Considering complete change

Paying £800 for a second hand amp is hardly cheap Paul!
The Rotel is $1998 (I don't have a UK price) new. For a nominally 380W amp it's very cheap.

And it makes no apparent sense with Dynaudio Contour 1.1, where Dynaudio recommend 25-70W.

The obvious amp is a Naim NAP250.... which can coincidentally be had for about the same price as Penance paid for the Rotel.

But you'd need a very good pre, and a superb source. I've no experience of Penance's Rega but I've some doubts about the balance of the system.

Originally posted by penance
One thing that has added to my perililous condition is the place i got the Rotel from are not being forthcoming in taking it back.
I thought I remember you saying when you first got the Rotel that the shop were offering it on a no quibble sale or return basis? :confused: Or did they back peddle, maybe because they are currently having a quiet time of stock shifting/turnaround so need to make some bucks by clamping down on SOR style loans. :rolleyes:
The obvious amp is a Naim NAP250.... which can coincidentally be had for about the same price as Penance paid for the Rotel.

That was suggested as an option at the time.

But you'd need a very good pre, and a superb source. I've no experience of Penance's Rega but I've some doubts about the balance of the system.

I agree completely. source first and all that.
Henry, yep seems to be back pedleing at a vast rate:rolleyes:

are people now suggesting that my CDp needs replacing:confused:

Oh, and to cap it all off, i did a steve last night and managed to break my DV10x4:mad:
Originally posted by penance
are people now suggesting that my CDp needs replacing:confused:
It might just need clean mains. And the same goes for the Rotel. Wish I had time to bring the Trichord up but I'm maxed out for the next ten days.
Andy, I feel your too 'woods for the trees' syndrome at the moment, plus maybe a little het up, and with the tip busting last nite, may need to take a step out of the ring, do a Dino, save your wonga and come back in the ring to take another swing :D in 6 months or so, over the last couiple of months you've been over hill and down dales to try and find what *you* feel you needed, take a break, chill & save some pennines, get a midi in the mean time, and if you feel later on you need to have another go, you'll be better prepared. T.
TBH, ive never had any probs with the Jupiter, i spent a fair while last year deming CDp's and the jupiter was the best for me at the price point.
Clean mains would probably help, dont know if it would turn the Rotel from a PA to a decent amp tho:confused:

I've just gone through the thread and can't remember if this has already been suggested but...

Don't sell anything, don't buy anything. Simply reposition the speakers in the room. Or put the hifi in another room completely. And by 'reposition', I don't mean 'shift them a few inches', I mean 'change the axis completely'.

This will have one of two effects. It'll either f**k up the sound completely, in which case you can go back to how you had it and appreciate your system for all it's new found virtues (goat theory in action). Or it'll transform your system into something you can be satisfied with for the next few months. Thereafter, you're into room swapping territiory.

I'd keep the Jupiter, I've always been impressed by them. Equally, though the sound isn't to my taste I'd keep the Dyns. In fact, as others have said, I'd keep the whole system for the time being.

What is it about the system that makes it difficult/ unpleasant to listen to?
That'll be the preamp probably. The Jupiter and Naim CD5 I dem'd were both EXCELLENT machines; I got the Naim as the Rega still has a noisy mech (the reason I upgraded the Planet 1).

Why not get a Hal and 2 Exons, and punt the Shearne/Rotel? The Rega CD/amp combos tend to be really synergistic :)

Right - out of here - off to Dropkick Murphies!

PS - feel your pain re the 10x4 - at least yours wasn't the limited edition one in gold :('''''
Originally posted by penance
it just seems flat and with no emotion

A couple of clicks on the volume dial often sorts this. But I don't imagine this is where the problem is with having the rotel in the mix!

Was the amp upgrade aimed at fixing the "flat with no eMOtion" problem? Or was the original problem (if there was one?), different, and this is just something the rotel had done to the system?

To be honest, you're unlikely to enjoy anything too much at the MO as you're obviously pissed off and down on the whole thing.

It's best to let the system warm up for an hour before critical listening.

True, but also, I don't think it's really critical listening that's required. Just stick something with crap recording quality on. Don't listen for the "hifi" traits.

I don't know the solution, but it sounds to me that the problem's as much with the kit as it is with you.

That's not a dig, and I'll hope you get what I mean. Seems like that because the kit's not been the great boundry pushing revelation you'd hoped (don't we all with any/all upgrades), you're in the wrong mind-set before even starting.

Don't throw another penny at it for now.

Cut the plug off your tv!!!

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