Leonard, much respect for being up and around this morning after a major funk out

The Voodoo lounge has been privvy to the following recently :MILD:
Tom Waits : "Small Change" and "Heartattack and Vine"
The Rolling Stones : "Beggars Banquet" and "Let it bleed"
Groove Armada : 'Goodbye Country....'
Asian Dub Foundation : "R.A.F.I."
Lenny Kravitz : "Greatest Hits"
Soundgarden : "A-Sides"
Audioslave : "Audioslave"
The Chemical Brothers : "Exit Planet Dust"
Garbage : "Beautiful Garbage"
The Cure : "Pornography"
Beastie boys : "Ill Communication"
Grooverider : "Mysteries of Funk"
Renaissance Worldwide : "Singapore [BT - Disc 3]"
Ned's Atomic Dustbin : "God Fodder"
Badly Drawn Bboy : "Hour of the Bewilderbeast"
Fleetwood Mac : "Greatest Hits"
Currently have on loan and itching for a spin :SCIDB:
Various : "Trojan Dub Box Set"
The Flaming Lips : "Transmission from..." and "Clouds taste metallic".
Currently reading :bookworm:
Alan Moore : "V for Vendetta"
Bo Fowler : "Sceptiscism"
Steven Hawking : "The Universe in a nutshell"