Currently Spinning

Zen CD - Ninja Tunes Retrospective.

Being drowne out by the sound of my dog trying to let me know it's dinner time though.
distance to goa 2,4,7 & 8 plus the best of yello - ohhhhhh yeaaaahhhhhh - i forgot how good they were (/ are?)

Kristin Hersh "Hips and Makers" just finished.

Now for a bit of Outkast "Aquemini" on the MD portable as I run to the pub for last orders :D
Originally posted by ilockyer
Nick Cave - Murder Ballads

good choice :) .

This evening, been parlez to a bit of :

"Fufilingess First Finale" : Stevie Wonder.
"Sunshine hit me" : The Bees.
"Deep Down & Dirty: The Stereo MC's.
"The Top" : The Cure.
"Faith" : The Cure.
Originally posted by Kirk Bennett
Mo, I was gonna buy that in Probe at the it any good? Heard it was good, dude.

To tell the truth, I've not listened to it much.

Have you heard any of their stuff before?

Very atMOspheric. At times quite MOody and dark, other times it's pure beauty! I've three of their albums and if you've not got any I'd recommend "Agaetis Byrjun" first. A truly great album IMO!

The reason I've listened to this less isn't to do with not liking it, but just that if I'm in the MOod for a bit of Sigur Ros, I always reach for A B.

( ) has a similar sound and if you like A B you should like this too. MOre of the same. I need to listen to it MOre to get to know the tracks like those on A B.

Not sure how much you know of them so don't want to tell you stuff you may already know....

They're Icelandic and sing (allegedly - i'm not fluent in icelandic MOself to know if this is true ;) ) in a made up language known as "hopelandish" A sort of cross between Icelandic (?) and others.

Guitars, strings, and a haunting wailing vocal. Sometimes it kicks in a bit and the the drums and build up and it rocks a bit. But the appeal - for me- is MOstly in the MOre sweet sounding tunes.

Well worth a listen!