Currently Spinning

Originally posted by Rory
lovely stuff.

I was just listening to the SACD 'Up' album actually...

Yeah, got his 1 & 2 albums on SACD and they are very good :cool:.

Currently spinning :

Tom Waits : "Nighthawks at the diner" :latte: :MILD: :cool:.
Elastica - "Elastica"

But keep pausing whenever I see they're reporting on Celtic v Barcelona on Sky Sports News :)
Originally posted by voodoo
Faithless : "Reverance."

It's throbbing man :banana: !

Not a big Faithless fan, but I'm sure I seen a "thing" about them on tv years back which showed them writing songs. They were writing them as simple acoustic guitar tunes before taking them to the studio. Have they got anything acoustic released that you know of?
TBH mO, I'm not their biggest fan either.

There are some slower tracks on their 1st and 2nd albums (I don't have any others) but IMO they're crap.

Cletic looking good for progression. I hope you'll be following the Chelski v's Cetic game in the US, come July ;) .

Current Tunes for ce soir :

Tom Waits : "Frank's Wild Years."
The Rapture : "Echoes."
Chris Watson, Weather Report

Sound recordist for TV and radio, and former member of Cabaret Voltaire, this is one of Watson's recent records made entirely from sounds recorded from nature (cracking and groaning glaciers, growling lions, running water, you name it), minimally processed, and turned into amazing ambient soundscapes. Great stuff.

One of his earlier records contained a track created by massively amplifying the sound of a decaying animal carcass. Mad but strangely arresting.

-- Ian
The Shins, Chutes Too Narrow

US indie-pop, strong Big Star and Brian Wilson influences, very pretty. Nice thick white vinyl too.

-- Ian
Been on a long drive today.. I took..

1) Lemonjelly, Lost Horizons
2) Audioslave
3) Bill Withers, Best Of.

Stopped at FOPP on the way home, bought

1) Talvin Singh, HA. - this is whats currently spinning.
2) Afrocelt 3 on Vinyl - Sinply Vinyl are doing this cheap if anyone is after it on vinyl.

Cant listen to the vinyl at the moment as my pre is in the tweak-doctors :( cant wait to get it back.

High Praise indeed, mnay thanks from your humble servant :D now I believe your after the title kit swopper of the year, so from hence forth your new nik is Merlin 2, 'Stash the kit wars'
Put ideas in my head now!

Robert Johnson "Devil on my trail/ The complete songbook"

Forgot I had this and not listened to it for about a year.

I'm sure I heard that a video clip (the only one known to exist), was sold and is the MOst expensive piece of music meMOrabilia known.
AFAIK there's only one known photograph of Johnson. Not heard about any film of him, but if there was any it would certainly be worth a bob or two.

Put ideas in my head as well. Now playing Charley Patton (my other favourite delta blues singer).

-- Ian
There's a photo on the front of this album. I assume it's him.

Wanna buy it? ;)

Just had a look on amazon and the same picture if used on a few albums, so I take it this it the only one.

I'm sure I heard about the video being found aMOngst a MOuntain of "crap" in an old music shop. Had been there for years and no one knew. I may be mistaken.

This albums making my speakers make some horrible noises :confused:

Though it was just making something in the room resonate and "sing". Seems like it's the actual speaker cabinets though! Never noticed that before :(
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