custom cd player ideas (pics now)

Why don't you take the pcb out and add some nice mods which will give you more performance boost:)

BTW the picture showing those transistors look about right, the muting transistors are normally the small to92 types nearest the phono sockets, those capacitors near the transistors could be the coupling caps so you could replace those with some nice little film types too, and theres the op-amps,,,:D
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well i now get a pop sound from my speakers when i turn the cd player on.

so is there any other free mods?

i read somewhere cd players filter low frequencys an thats why when using a record player the drives move more. could i remove this and would it improve sound?
stuartswan said:
well i now get a pop sound from my speakers when i turn the cd player on.

so is there any other free mods?

Appart from the pop sound can you hear any difference?

Theres not really many free mods you can do to this unit as far as I can see, you could try damping parts of it like on the E-bay link using blue tak:) don't over do it though or it can flatten the sound.

For about 10 or 20 quid you could add a few better components which WOULD improve the sound, the standard op-amps and caps etc will be real crummy

If your thinking of the NOS mod I'm afraid that cannot be done to this cdp
leo said:
Appart from the pop sound can you hear any difference?

Theres not really many free mods you can do to this unit as far as I can see, you could try damping parts of it like on the E-bay link using blue tak:) don't over do it though or it can flatten the sound.

For about 10 or 20 quid you could add a few better components which WOULD improve the sound, the standard op-amps and caps etc will be real crummy

im not sure as i havent used the cd player for a few weeks, cant turn the volume up and its a copy burned from mp3s. i will compare it against my new cd player when i get the chance.

im not sure about putting much money into yet and my soldering skills are poor. i think next step will be to do something about the case as i noticed when the disc is spinning it seems its moving side to side a little.
stuartswan said:
im not sure as i havent used the cd player for a few weeks, cant turn the volume up and its a copy burned from mp3s. i will compare it against my new cd player when i get the chance.

im not sure about putting much money into yet and my soldering skills are poor. i think next step will be to do something about the case as i noticed when the disc is spinning it seems its moving side to side a little.

Ok mate

Don't worry about the cd moving side to side a little, you'll get this with a lot of cdp's using that sort of transport:)

Try listening to it with the top (case lid) on and then again with the top off;)
I think they were refering to the bandwith difference between the two can't really be changed, another one is to bluetak everything as on the photo, I also add some to the caps but i'm not sure I can hear any difference, try it also try sticking cork tiles or corrigated cardboard to the inside of the case,(or use bitumen pads but these are more money) use a glue gun or doublesided tape, give the player a tap it will sound like a gong before doing this, it should sound dead when you tap it, im afraid it will cost you some money from now on in but not too much.:)

edit posted a bit late.:)
yes, you should, but listen before and after using the same cd, you might want to damp the amp case too.
well i couldnt tell any differance with lid on/off do you still think its worth doing things to the case?
dean.l said:
I think they were refering to the bandwith difference between the two can't really be changed, another one is to bluetak everything as on the photo, I also add some to the caps but i'm not sure I can hear any difference, try it also try sticking cork tiles or corrigated cardboard to the inside of the case,(or use bitumen pads but these are more money) use a glue gun or doublesided tape, give the player a tap it will sound like a gong before doing this, it should sound dead when you tap it, im afraid it will cost you some money from now on in but not too much.:)

edit posted a bit late.:)

those sound like some good ideas thanks alot.
click on home, there is a nice article by zanash about general cd mod's.

but generally I just mess about unplugging bits changing wires etc until it sounds better.:D

what was the reason for the toploader idea? I think it will be more trouble than it's worth, to be honest, you will have to have the player on the top shelf or it will be hard to change disks etc and sonically you probably will notice more difference with the mods you have allready done, I have tried moving transports around before and if the player wasn't designed to be a toploader you may make it sound worse because you have to move everything, putting things closer together than they should be etc. you would be better off keeping it in its current format and making a brace for the internals of the case, wood would work ok, just cut it out of mdf and hot glue it in, or screw it, but cut as much out as possible so it looks like a lattice.

try and make the case as dead as possible this should be far more benificial than the toploader.

have fun:)
dean.l said:
click on home, there is a nice article by zanash about general cd mod's.

but generally I just mess about unplugging bits changing wires etc until it sounds better.:D

what was the reason for the toploader idea? I think it will be more trouble than it's worth, to be honest, you will have to have the player on the top shelf or it will be hard to change disks etc and sonically you probably will notice more difference with the mods you have allready done, I have tried moving transports around before and if the player wasn't designed to be a toploader you may make it sound worse because you have to move everything, putting things closer together than they should be etc. you would be better off keeping it in its current format and making a brace for the internals of the case, wood would work ok, just cut it out of mdf and hot glue it in, or screw it, but cut as much out as possible so it looks like a lattice.

try and make the case as dead as possible this should be far more benificial than the toploader.

have fun:)

yeah ive kinda gave up on the top loader thing, i just thought it would look cool. il try an improve the case tomorrow.
yes, I would, taking the lid off normally makes a small difference but proper damping should make a bigger one, more clarity bass tighter etc
caps act as microphones so damping them should help too, but if you can't tell the difference then maybe an interconnect or speaker cable change might be on the cards ?? you should hear some difference, you should try with some guitar music with not too much going on and compare again.
Damping and stiffening that floppy case will astonish you !!
damping sheet can be bought from wilco as plastic coated bitumen roof flashing.

other simple ..rather than free mods will include fitting a digital out

very simple just need to id dig sig to the optoical and dig ground at the same point. take these to a rca socket with a 75 ohm between dig sig and dig ground at the socket.

looking at the pic ...though not totally clear !

you can easily fit a decent iec socket for different power cables..

damp the bridge holding the cd clamp with blutac in the ready made spaces. You can also do the underside of the tray ...but make certain you don't foul the workings. Thats why if you use blutac you can easily remove it.

damp that crystal !!!!!
and all chips

remember damping can de taken too far your lowering the resonate may pull it down to a another fundimental but I've never managed that..

if your going to change the opamps sockets first.

If you need any bit pm as I've a shed full !
I've sent stellarbagpus the instructions to make a top loader...

but if you can find a copy of common ground magazine issue 3 it has all the details.

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