custom cd player ideas (pics now)

Due to the rather limted space you get attachments on the forum, if anyone would like to have a read of the Instructions on DIY ing a standard CDP to a Top loader, just give me a PM with your email address, and I will send you a MS Word file back.
It makes pretty interesting reading...Thanks Zanash
sounds very intresting but a little too much work. i had the cd player in a 1000 parts today an had a good look about.
Its actually very little effort to top load .....

the hard bit it cutting the case

I suspect the reason for the improvment in sound when the headphone socket is removed is due to less draw on the psu ....

just goes to show how close all the tolerances are.

there's not a lot more I can add....if ou follow the generic mods article...

of course you can throw wads of cash at it and buy loads of fancy bits ....but wheres the fun in that !

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