Mighty Rearranger
I can't be arsed to write this post again 3 times it's failed so he's an abridged version
Blue leds no joke they work superb, sorry If you didn't get, I though a little humour may help a bit, but obviously not
I have no freqency responce below 28hz
Ian, No sidey's at you, why did you think so?, Turner is a general reference, I'd written a long reply about Int's and how arragantly asswholish they are but the bloody computer dumped it
Quite a pice of work for moi too, even more annoying
As for hearing not hearing things, so people do and others don't, deal with it, its very easy to do.
I'm seriously hacked off that post was lost
Blue leds no joke they work superb, sorry If you didn't get, I though a little humour may help a bit, but obviously not
I have no freqency responce below 28hz
Ian, No sidey's at you, why did you think so?, Turner is a general reference, I'd written a long reply about Int's and how arragantly asswholish they are but the bloody computer dumped it

Quite a pice of work for moi too, even more annoying

As for hearing not hearing things, so people do and others don't, deal with it, its very easy to do.
I'm seriously hacked off that post was lost