DBT Report

Chaps, with the greatest respect, I feel this is getting out of hand. I did interpret Merlin's original post as a light hearted viewpoint with a genuine opinion contained therein. I dont think his opinion was a piss take, though I equally dont think it was of particular substance. I think some of the initial replies converted this into a heated debate, albeit just a reignition of dying embers.

However, looking through the chaff and the bad feeling, let's not lose sight of the subject of the disagreement. I dont think any of us feel so strongly about cables or hi-fi generally to warrant some of the agitation and even mild aggression being displayed in some of the posts/replies.

I dont personally have a problem with a few sarcastic remarks, or a bit of passion, it does spice things up which is good as long as it is at least sensitive in delivery, but I think the parties at the poles should show a bit more respect for each other.

Equally, they should also should take the whole thing with a pinch (or two) of salt. Those who feel insulted please try not to let this continue on a personal basis any longer.

In terms of opinion I do not agree with Michael's statement "there are no differences" regards cables, but Michael and I wouldnt come to blows (verbal or otherwise) over this contrasting view, its hardly a contentious *issue* (if anyone really thinks it is they need to seek professional help (or visit Gaza [ie. Palestine not Paul Gascoigne])).

Incidentally WM's Blue LED thread was actually regarding a power conditioner he had come across and not a farce, though I agree this was lost in translation. :)
Originally posted by greg
Incidentally WM's Blue LED thread was actually regarding a power conditioner he had come across and not a farce, though I agree this was lost in translation. :)
Finally the mystery is resolved!!!

Thanks Greg for putting us out of our misery :)

So, a mere power conditioner eh? :eek:

Could be something in that. As I daily sing praises to my Trichord Powerblock 1000 for the way in which it has transformed my system, there quite likely is something in it.

Wonder if I can add blue LEDs to the Trichord :D
Originally posted by michaelab
A receipie for a balanced and fair test that no one will contest the results of, no doubt :rolleyes: .

There you go again Michael:rolleyes: Calm down!

For reference, the people I would like to come along would include Sideshow, Bottleneck, and Graham N (if only for the musical entertainment!) I think you'd agree that none of them have an agenda, but they all IMHO know a good sound when they hear one.

TBH I really don't know these days when you're being serious or going for a wind up

:D ;)

Yep and WM's been on about the Audio Magic Sorcerer. Apropriate in the circumstances i feel.
Originally posted by michaelab
I'm sure the myth-busting day was enjoyable for all that attended and am disappointed I couldn't be there but it's hardly a suitable environment in which to run a proper test.


Hey Dev,

As you can see from the above response, Michael has very eloquently answered the question that you put to me earlier. I couldn't have said it any better myself so if you have any more questions, then do not hesitate to ask.;)


Surprise, surprise!:rolleyes: I have just checked the thread and I have not seen a single dissenting comment from you about the suggestion of DBT. I know the term 'blind-testing' repulses you whenever you see it mentioned but yet this time, you are unusually quiet. I wonder why?;)

Do you just have selective eyesight or is the reason for your silence down to the fact that your buddy Merlin was the originator of this thread and is now prepared to put his reputation on the line by hosting the DBT event so you don't want to upset him? It's interesting how the nay-sayers are now the ones embracing DBT with fervour isn't it as they now know it makes sense:D You boys really crack me up - you really do.:D

Enjoy the music,


Surprise, surprise! I have just checked the thread and I have not seen a single dissenting comment from you about the suggestion of DBT. I know the term 'blind-testing' repulses you whenever you see it mentioned but yet this time, you are unusually quiet. I wonder why?

Do you just have selective eyesight or is the reason for your silence down to the fact that your buddy Merlin was the originator of this thread and is now prepared to put his reputation on the line by hosting the DBT event so you don't want to upset him? It's interesting how the nay-sayers are now the ones embracing DBT with fervour isn't it as they now know it makes sense You boys really crack me up - you really do.


Why the f*ck did you bring me into this? If you must know I have been busy re-decorating the house and havent had a chance to visit the forum much in the last few days. If thats all it takes to crack you up then you have an odd sense of humour I must say.

In fact I am getting more than a little tired of your snide remarks from the sidelines.
Originally posted by Robbo

Why the f*ck did you bring me into this? If you must know I have been busy re-decorating the house and havent had a chance to visit the forum much in the last few days. If thats all it takes to crack you up then you have an odd sense of humour I must say.

In fact I am getting more than a little tired of your snide remarks from the sidelines.


Tut, Tut! Temper, temper!!;) Read my comments again. You were brought into this because you are anti-DBT but yet on this thread at least, you have been silent. My comments were not snide remarks from the side-lines, they were addressed directly to you on an open forum. Now, any comments on the latest DBT shindig that is being planned or are you unusually lost for words?:)

Enjoy the music,


If you aren't going to surprise us all by bringing something useful and constructive to the forum, why don't you just crawl up your uncle's rsole and wither to a prune.

The only importance I attach to DBT BT and all the rest of it is to shut aurally challenged ameoba like your pathetic self up for good.

Are you capable of being constructive DUDE or just a CJ croney with hifi aspirations seeping from your odourous armpits?
Gee, the usual suspects at it again :)
Sorry about earlier, had far too much St Emillion 96' for lunch :D

Ok, yes the BLUE LEDS are attached to a power conditioner, I didn't realise it had 2 blue leds till I switched it on :o
So not a wind up as such, more of a humours attempt to extract the urine from DBT :)
Ian, I wrote a long and detailed post as to why I feel the intellectual anal community get me on the old :knight:
I'm, sorry if you feel it was directed at you, it wasn't
DBT, why you guys bother is beyond me, for every plus they'll be 2 minus's, and vice versa', so just live with the fact so people can hear a difference others don't.
The arguement will rumble on for time inmamoral.
Lawrie, I feel merlin may have used a few choice words, but in essence you are a "swoop in a stir merchant", you take great pleasure in being, well lawrie
You remind me of a sence in Red October, the captain of the chasing Kanalov sub, has fired his torpedos with safety's removed and the come back at him, (basically he's fooked), his first officer turns to him and says "You Arragant arse, you killed us all", every time I see your posts, this sence springs to mind.
Originally posted by merlin
For reference, the people I would like to come along would include Sideshow, Bottleneck, and Graham N (if only for the musical entertainment!) I think you'd agree that none of them have an agenda, but they all IMHO know a good sound when they hear one.
I wouldn't have a problem with that line up :)

Originally posted by merlin

For reference, the people I would like to come along would include Sideshow, Bottleneck, and Graham N (if only for the musical entertainment!) I think you'd agree that none of them have an agenda, but they all IMHO know a good sound when they hear one.

Well, I'm completely deaf ATM having just got back from an extremely noisy and very fine gig by one of my favourite groups of the past decade, The Nectarine No. 9 (April Resolution: mention The Nectarine No. 9 in every post so that more than 4 people go out and buy all their records and more than 100 people turn up to their infrequent gigs), but I'm up for it.

-- Ian
You were brought into this because you are anti-DBT but yet on this thread at least, you have been silent. My comments were not snide remarks from the side-lines, they were addressed directly to you on an open forum. Now, any comments on the latest DBT shindig that is being planned or are you unusually lost for words?

As I told you, I have been busy and have not had very much time on the forum, and will not have for the next week or so. Therefore I am not getting involved in any debates like this one which has already been done to death before. Is that so difficult to understand?

I am sure you are a decent enough guy when meeting face to face, but you come across as a bit of a tosser on forums like this, I am afraid. Perhaps you should look at your posting style.
Guys! Calm down. This thread makes really sad reading :newbie:

You're all behaving like testosterone-crazed teenagers in a school playground :argue:

Chill out! :beer:


However I am a bit irritated about being goaded into joining a discussion that I wasnt going to get involved in by someone who is only interested in sh*t stirring and taking the piss.
Originally posted by merlin
Just for Wolfy, I noticed that Revel employed his famous DBT criteria when designing speakers. What i did find interesting was the following report.......

So over 20% of listeners were deemed to be "aurally challenged", perfectly acceptable hearing, but unable to detect changes in the audible spectrum. Could this possibly explain why around 25% of forumites claim to hear no differences when comparing cables

I fully agree with you. After reading Merlin invitation to discuss this topic at the beginning I thought this was a good start to try to look at the old fovourite subject in a new angle. However, I am not sure it is worth it seeing the following next few exchanges.

Merlin, for what is worth. If the Revel engineers criteria is to select 2 standard deviations of a normal distribution of peoples hearing ability then it is a worthwhile excercise.

This is for everyone else.
Why are we making it so difficult. Maybe we go back to basic.
Here is one question is worth while to answer.
Is it worth music lovers who like to set up a hifi system at home buying specialists audiocables.
Originally posted by penance

who else do i have to put over my knee?

Anyone you like, provided they are over the age of consent and indeed they concede to your request and most importantly you promise not to enjoy it.:D
Originally posted by penance
Me, enjoy it??:D

Form an orderly que please............

this does explain a lot of your behaviour and the jars of vase & axle grease I spotted on the window sil, AFTER I left, last time I visited. You dirty old man :D
wow, Ive been without a computer for about 4 days (having fun on my holiday week!) and Ive missed a real barnstormer.

I hope people have relaxed a bit, things got a bit nasty at points I think.

Having just read the entire thread beginning to end - here's the bits I thought most interesting...

if you change the inductance resistance and capacitance ie change the cable in a circuit, you will change the way the audio signal is percieved

It's equally (or, IMO, more) likely, however, that electrically identical cables are in fact indistinguishable,

To me, both of these comments say the same thing, but from opposite sides of a fence.

I wonder if there is in fact any disagreement in the forum about the two conclusions I draw from the above statements?????

1) By effecting the inductance, resitance or capacitance of a cable, you can make it sound different. Substantial changes can result in very audible differences.

2) A large number of cables which have near identical resistance, capacitance and inductance sound indistinguishable, regardless of differences in price.

I think there is more ''common thinking'' on this forum than we give ourselves credit for :)

Merlin - thanks for the vote on confidence and the DBT invite :) Im always tempted to learn more about music instead of kit when I meet people from the forum though, theres a lot to discover :)

Lawrie -
Apologies if I was a little hard on you regarding the original DBT testing thread. I think its a very scientific way of assessing differences. My rejection of DBT, or (LBT!!) was more in the fact that it seems to suck the fun from the hobby, and that personally, I dont buy something if the effect is so small I can hardly hear it..

Cheers folks.

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