De testing of DeMagic

Ah Yes,

I had forgotten about this Densen De-Magic thread. I personally own this disc but would never use it again as it's effect on my system was not positive. It basically thinned-out the sound by almost halving the bass weight and impact and the midrange also lost body. It then took about three days of playing for the sound to approach what it sounded like before.

The first time I used it, I thought I had damaged the system but the sound I was familiar with returned after three days. I have since tried it twice more and the effect was the same. So it appears that my system is definitely allergic to this disc which has now been quarantined somewhere on the grounds at Lawrie Mansions - far away from my system. It will be given away to someone who's system can benefit from it's magical effects. ;)

Enjoy the music,

Originally posted by Lawrie
Ah Yes,

I had forgotten about this Densen De-Magic thread. I personally own this disc but would never use it again as it's effect on my system was not positive. It basically thinned-out the sound by almost halving the bass weight and impact and the midrange also lost body. It then took about three days of playing for the sound to approach what it sounded like before.

The first time I used it, I thought I had damaged the system but the sound I was familiar with returned after three days. I have since tried it twice more and the effect was the same. So it appears that my system is definitely allergic to this disc which has now been quarantined somewhere on the grounds at Lawrie Mansions - far away from my system. It will be given away to someone who's system can benefit from it's magical effects. ;)

Enjoy the music,




Mick Parry gave me a demag disc at the weekend and I tried it out on Saturday evening. my experience is exactly the same as yours ie the bass weight diminished and the system became thin sounding. I was absolutely beside myself with anguish when I heard the results as the sublime sound that I had been getting from the system was no more. Fortunately a couple of days of playing music has brought the sound back to its former glory. Needless to say the demag disc is never going anywhere near my system again.

So In conclusion then, the disc definately has an effect, but not a positive one in my system.

Cheers, Robbo
Mick Parry gave me a demag disc at the weekend and I tried it out on Saturday evening. my experience is exactly the same as yours ie the bass weight diminished and the system became thin sounding.

This now means that we have all three possible views for the Demag disc, i.e. better / worse / no difference!

Add my vote in the positive camp ââ'¬â€œ I've had the disc for about two years now and my findings are exactly in line with those described by Andy Weekes.

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Have to say always helps I feel, especialy after cap changes, can't for the life of me think why?.

Like so many tweaks, its all fun and games until someone takes it literally.

Thanks to Tones and ALW. This arrived yesterday. I gave it a run this morning.

I measured the SPL with the track I was using, peaks of 85dBA on an analogue Radio Shack set to 'fast'. The Densen disc was a steady 85dBA. This wasn't particularly pleasant so I left the room. It did occur to me that if I'd been using a string quartet or solo piano piece then the contrast between the volumes would have been much greater, and that the speakers could well sound different for completely normal heat related reasons after a 3 minute relatively hard work out.

Anyway I cannot hear a difference before/after.

If 'Gambit' emails or PMs with an address I'll pass it on.

Originally posted by Robbo

Mick Parry gave me a demag disc at the weekend and I tried it out on Saturday evening. my experience is exactly the same as yours ie the bass weight diminished and the system became thin sounding.

I was about to ask to be added to the mailing list, but if it's made 1 system thin, there's no way I can afford to lose any more bass, being in a concrete box with my Naim/Rega combo. What bass it has is tight, but if I lose any more of it....
I span this today, after listening to a track I know very well. Left the room so I couldn't hear the stupid "wheeeeeee" noise, went back after it finished, same track and nothing. If anything, slightly thinner in the top, little bit brighter almost, but that may well be me imagining it. No effect that I would stake my house on anywho.
Next on the list is... Uncle Ants. PM some deatils and you'll have it soon sir :)
OK OK - any chance I can be added to this - since I too have Naim from source to the terminals at the speaker end, it might be interesting to see what (if anything) happens.

Incidentally - did you guys hear the one about KLF's "America - What time is love"? Apparently it's supposed to burn in components (including speakers!) with just one play, and Mission/Cyrus did some FFT analaysis on it and can't figure out how it works. Probably an urban legend but...
Originally posted by domfjbrown
OK OK - any chance I can be added to this - since I too have Naim from source to the terminals at the speaker end, it might be interesting to see what (if anything) happens.

Originally posted by lordsummit
Please please please if I ask nicely can I be added...Have always been fascinated by snakeoily things, would be really interested to see if I can hear a difference

You're on. m'lud

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