Doing what I should have done ages ago

Well I survived the weekend :)

I'm still not a morning person though, I am struggling still to get to sleep at a decent hour (last night it was 2am), but overall, I think I am seeing the beginning of the end of the withdrawal symptoms, and the beginnings of thinking more clearly. Today marks the end of the first week without....

Now excuse me while I grab some "Pro Plus"....
Yeah good stuff Paul...I'm sure giving up the poisons will have a massive effect on your health. Food and exercise is next thing to get right but this is a great first step. Nice one for sticking it.
Thanks guys....

@ The Cat: Chance would be a fine thing.... any nice looking female zerogainers in the north east, come forward now......

Thought not... :D

If you find your motivation flagging, just remember the possible legal consequences of a 'pat down' on the High Street from Mr Plod! The Government looks like it is going to re-classify Cannabis as a Class 'B' controlled drug.

I am reminded of a story about two Cannabis dealers who found themselves in the dock at Crown Court.

The Judge says to them, "I have listened carefully to all the evidence and you don't seem like a bad pair of lads, so before I pass sentence, I want you to go away for the weekend and think carefully about your lifestyle and try to pursuade your friends to give up dope. The sentence I pass will reflect your success."

On the Monday morning the two lads are back in the dock and the Judge says to the first, "stand up and tell me how you got on over the weekend?"

The first lad replies, "Well Your Honour, I managed to get 50 of my friends to give up the weed forever!"

The Judge is impressed and says, "How did you manage that?"

The first lad replies, "I used a drawing of two circles, one small and one large and pointed out to my friends that the large circle represented the size of the human brain prior to taking drugs. The small circle represented the size of the human brain following a prolonged habit."

The Judge says, "Very Good. Sit down." He then turns to the second defendant and says, "Stand up and tell me of your endeavours."

The second lad says, "Well Your Honour, I was able to pursuade 150 of my friends to give up drugs forever!"

The Judge is truly amazed and says, "That is very admirable, however did you achieve it?"

The second lad says, "I used the same drawing as my friend here, but pointed out to them that the small circle represented the size of the average human arsehole and the large circle represented the same arsehole following a prison term!"
Well I've never been searched in my life, and that wouldnt have worried me... anyway, I have "other issues" at the moment, which may or may not be related to this.... and it would be for another thread, but I really dont know if I should start such a thread.
Hey if you can't get a boner don't worry about it, it will come back.
well done on surviving the weekend. keep at it and i hope your other problems solve themselves. it's always good to set your mind to something and achieve it.

LOL @ Gary! Cheers that cheered me up! :lol:

Anyway, I'm ok, I was just feeling a bit down before, I'm ok now.
OK, I just thought I'd update you guys on perhaps the most profound difference I've found yet (although, me being up at this time, on a work night, wide awake, is evidence of my continuing insomnia... but I digress).

Basically, I am broke. I have a lot of overdraft, through years of carelessness with my money. For the first time today, I've had a moment of clarity that something has to be done about it, and I've sat thinking about the changes I can make in order to improve things for most of the evening....

Now, that does ultimately involve making some sacrifices... however, not only would I have not have had the motivation to even think about this if I was stoned, but I would have found the whole concept of making sacrifices VERY daunting, and quite simply I would not have done it.

In fact this weekend has proved that I *can* get by without being out the house, getting stoned and wasting money all of the time, and now it just does not seem as daunting. I now have plans about how I can improve my money situation, and no longer does it seem so desperate!

Theres just no way I would have accepted doing this had I been stoned :)

I think the worst is coming to an end, just need to get this insomnia sorted. That could take a bit longer.

Oh... and I'm also beginning to get my short term memory back, a little bit :)
Paul, are you drinking lots of tea or coffee? Don't drink tea or instant after 6pm and don't drink real coffee after 2pm.

You could buy some lemons and make lemonade. That will help your body to detox.

Or just drink water instead.
Sure theres plenty of advice on insomnia to be had on the net but heres a couple to think about...
Have a nice tidy, comfortable bedroom where you feel relaxed.
Start winding down an hour or so before you hit the sack by watching tv, listening to music, reading a book etc. I find it quite hard to sleep after being on a computer for a while so you might want to try doing something else. Worrying about your accounts isn't a great prep for a good nights sleep.
Have a nice cup of horlicks, camomile tea or hot chocolate.
Make sure you're tired by doing some exercise after work (double benefits here...good for you and helps you sleep).
Technobear - I dont drink tea or coffee, cant stand the taste. :)

Heavymental - thanks for the advice - I guess worrying about money and sitting on a computer was never the best idea for getting to sleep :)

Sitting here now yawning every minute. Why is it when your tired you ache all over?
I have been having trouble sleeping at a decent time recently. I think a lot of it is subconscious worry and stress but also because having chronic fatigue, my sleep patterns get messed up. If I get up early anyway I just get tired around 5 or 6pm sleep and need to get up again at about 11 not going to bed again until early morning.

Anyway I tried some 'sleepeaze' sleeping pills and found that while they made it easier to relax and slow my thoughts down, I was still feeling the effect in the morning and found it hard to get up and felt a bit out of it for the rest of the day. Just a word of warning!

There is a herb called Valerian which is supposed to help make you drowsy. I found it effective to begin with but after a few times its effectiveness wore off. I just read that rotating its use with other sleep-inducing herbs such as hops, chamomile, passionflower and melissa can make it more effective. You could try that.
Take life in the rhythm nature intended. Get up at a decent time, do your stuff and go to bed at a decent time. The body doesn't like erratic patterns of life or waking/sleeping at strange times.

Back in the day we'd have been chilling out in our cave, lighting a fire, chomping on Boar chops and grunting about the hunt from about 5 o'clock (in the winter anyway) before nodding off. Everythings done and dusted way before bedtime. Keep that in mind.
Paul I don't wish to pry but what sort of financial difficulty are you in, are we talking thousands? if your overdraft is like 500 quid and you are in it, man chill out thats a fart in a storm.

How are you fixed for work? If you are sitting on your lazy arse all day then do something about it, get down to an agency and sign up and get your self motivated.

Insomnia is common for any cold turkey and really there is little you can do about it accept let your body do its thing. Right now its having a tantrum and you are along for the ride.

If it makes you feel any better most guys have been what you are going through, money worries laying awake at night, no girlfriend, I must be a freak, all that stuff. Its just part of life and all I can say is its up to you to put it right and you will.

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