Doing what I should have done ages ago

Jesus Mo, thats basically a normal bloke to a twunt.

And whats with the language filter here, aren't we all grown up now?
Good luck Paul. Can't really add much as all the ideas here and on the previous threads are good but I would add that the longer you are off it the easier it is. Once you decide to jack it in (as you have) then you know what situations you should be saying 'no' in when previously you would have said 'yes'. Once this gets habitual and you get beyond any physical cravings it should be plain sailing.
Hope you get beyond it and notice a difference. I'm sure with all that orange juice you're knocking back you'll be a changed man for 2006!
Update: Yesterday was the hardest day yet (day 2), got myself a migraine ( which was very unpleasant) and the sickness that goes with it. I am also suffering insomnia (not used to going to bed sober!), and last night I had very vidid dreams, one of which I can remember, and it was a very nice dream too ;) Also woke up drenched in sweat.

This morning, I am still tired, but I am starting to feel a little better. :)

What I cant understand is I've abstained for a couple of days before, and never noticed these symptoms, but maybe I just drank those symptoms away?

I confess I had to have a glass of wine to help me sleep though!
Jesus Paul, thats proper cold turkey mate, this has been a long time coming.
ONe other thing, get into drinking water, I am not saying give the booze, heaven forfend! However water should be drunk right now, at least 2-3 litres a day, and take a pint to bed. It will not feel great drinking water initially, but you soon get into it and it will help a lot.
Vit c or lemon barley grass tablets are fabuous detoxifiers to expel those impurities quicker!
PBirkett said:
What I cant understand is I've abstained for a couple of days before, and never noticed these symptoms, but maybe I just drank those symptoms away?

Maybe its because there is a little more pressure on to do it for real this time.

I gave up smoking just over 10 years ago. I was thinking to myself yesterday, or the day before that i never thought i'd be able to kick the habit, but amazingly i did. Now I positively hate the smell of cigarettes, but it took a good 5 - 7 years before i thought that way.

none of the arguments that the dope heads put forward for turning a blind eye to my lads canabis adventures persuaded me that it would ever be a 'good' thing, it was always not an option.

Good luck Paul, hope you succeed....
Thanks guys.

Day 3, update. Feel lots better today. Not there yet, I suspect, but I really do feel a lot better, probably as good as I've felt in a little while at least.

Also I seemed to be a lot more sociable today than usual, talking to people, and my mind could stay focused on the conversation instead of losing track straight away like I normally do.

I've still got a pipe in my drawers. I think I'll donate this to my friend. I dont need it anymore :)
Just a quick thought, to get you through the bad weather read a good book a page turner. I read The Ragged Trousered Philanthropists recently a brilliant book with controversial views.
PBirkett said:
Thanks guys.

I've still got a pipe in my drawers. I think I'll donate this to my friend. I dont need it anymore :)

If he's a friend, do him a favour - THROW IT AWAY!

If dope screwed you up - it'll screw him up

Well done so far. Keep it up. Wish I could get my G/F to see some sense re fags/ booze!

Update. Feeling completely rubbish again today, but in a different way. I feel like I just want to rip somebodies head off now. Add to that its the weekend and I cant go out because nobody is going out. And I've just got a new telly in my room, which I cant pick up a signal on AT ALL. I am ****ed off beyond words right now.
getting rid of dope will give you more energy than you had before.

you need some physical exercise to get rid of all that energy.

think back to what exercise/sport you used to like, and take it up.

In the meantime go for a walk when you're feeling like that, or a quick jog.
I gave up dope about 10 years ago. I combined it with a move away from a lot of the friends I used to smoke with & obviously everything that goes with such a big change.

As such I didn't really feel the pain of withdrawals. The main thing for me was getting out of the circle that lived their life in this way; constantly smoking & never going anywhere.

I sound like a Tory clown now, but looking back I can't believe I wasted so much of my life on that crap. It sucked the life out of me.

It's hard to quantify the impact of giving up as I combined it with moving towns, obviously that in itself had a dramatic effect on my life.

I'm not sure I would have been arsed to pursue my goals had I kept on smoking, irrespective of my environment.

Good luck.
sport was the key for me, the natural high helps too.

But i have started doing it again when i go out with my best mate once a week, and aslong as i dont take any home im fine.
The thing is we have hit new year, the tele is full of messages, the brain is full of messages, the papers are full of messages, every where is full of messages. The messgaes are 'new start' and 'give up..'

What is important is to make a lifestyle change decision. Paul you need to be commited to this. By that I mean you have to feel it in your heart, you have to know this is the time to change. If you are not committed you will fail.

What is important to you right now is to understand that if you fail, this is not the end. This is not an excuse. If you fail, get right back up the next day and carry on giving up!

Do this for yourself. You feel like **** today? Good for you! You feel something! When I did dope (And I was not a heavy user by any means) the only real emotion I felt was dumb ass laughing. Once dope is not a rule in your life it may well be enjoyed again as 'Question' has said. But right now you need to stop for months, if not a year before you can feel confident to have just 'a joint' when it comes up.

Messages are difficult, messages on forums will not really help in the end, what is important is that you want to move on with your life. Dope may not kill, but it sure as hell does not move you forwards.
I wont be quitting that easily. How I feel probably is down to the giving up part.

I went to my mates tonight, and he was good about it - he didnt smoke in front of me at all.

I definitely want to give up. When I was at my mates, I thought I would be tempted, but actually, I really wasnt....

I think the lack of sleep is partially responsible for me up/down moods at the minute.

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