ERS. The cheapest upgrade known to man?

To be fair, if you do the maths it isn't that bad:)

Firstly, you are getting 22% more dishcloth. So we are up to $25. then you've got vat and duty, say another $5. Then shipping for a couple of sheets will be at least $10.

So, whilst there is a price differential, it's not as great as it first seems, and even at 30 quid a sheet, it's still a steal compared with good old Russ:D
Originally posted by merlin
To be fair, if you do the maths it isn't that bad:)

Firstly, you are getting 22% more dishcloth. So we are up to $25. then you've got vat and duty, say another $5. Then shipping for a couple of sheets will be at least $10.

So, whilst there is a price differential, it's not as great as it first seems, and even at 30 quid a sheet, it's still a steal compared with good old Russ:D

£30? Oh I thought someone said £60. Still, £30 is double the price isnt it?
Originally posted by wadia-miester

So if we say to antonio we'll have 40 sheets then we'll all divvy up. WM [/B]

Your quite welcome to use a spanish address if you like and i'll forward it to the uk.
Originally posted by SteveC
Is there any way to get some feedback in the positioning/testing process - like hold an untuned radio nearby to see if the hash is reduced? Come to that, has anyone tried that with and without the sheet in place?

Yes indeed Steve, good idea:)

I know that a few guys over at the TacT forum have been doing this. I forgot to mention something amusing which happened whilst I had the turntable. It illustrates I think, just what RF issues you can have with the latest digital gear;)

On a Saturday night, whilst putting away the last record of the night, and before switching off the system, I was bemused to hear soft jazz coming from my left hand speaker.

Listening closer, ear to the cone, I could clearly make out a groovy piece of plinc that was on the radio. Now I don't have a bloody radio. And I live alone:eek: Spooky:D

Turns out, the master clock in the S2150 power amp runs at 98mhz. Somehow the cartidge was picking up the signal and making sweet music courtesy of a local FM channel.

Kinda fun really. Who needs DAB:D
I'd be happy to forward it from the USA, as long as you pay the shipping. Contact me for my address and details if you want to do this.

~ ~ Dave
My grandma once had to get up in the midle of the night to turn of a radio [protable type] that was playing the latest 70's rock......only to find that the radio was already switched off. So must have been working like a crystal reciever or something.

This cloth thing has anyone had a look at it, constructionally ?

is it just a fine metal mesh sandwiched in between fabric ?

I noticed that RS were selling RFI/EMI shielding products that sounded similar, they do the mesh in various sizes ...cant be beyond anyone to make this sort of thing on the cheap.

RS 264-9203 50mm wide 10m long mesh tape.....

I might give it a try !

Is there a web page for the dish cloth ?
I probably missed it........[I'm still having posting problems]
Originally posted by MO!
this is a joke yeah?

£30 for a cloth!

No Mo it's not a joke:rolleyes:

Sadly, the people who laugh at these kind of things will be the same peole who constantly post threads looking for input on their next box upgrade because they are dissatisfied.

This cloth thing has anyone had a look at it, constructionally ?

Zanash, no it's not as you describe, it is impregnated with carbon fibres, ceramic compounds and metallic elements in a complex weave.
Hats off to Adam and Nepherim, I say! :D The backlash has begun. Together we'll beat the money grabbing baskets through our own little international network of audio and music loving buddies!!

Must say though, there are one or two manufacturers out there who do deal directly and some even prefer to cut out the middle man. All to do with lower and lower margins I guess from a shrinkng audience, but at least the consumer benefits in the end. :cool:
I was quoted 19.95 a 8x11 sheet, I ordered 2, but maybe we can order more, and Michael will deliver them... :rolleyes:

Don't forget tax and transport will have to be paid on top of that...
Originally posted by merlin
No Mo it's not a joke:rolleyes:

Sadly, the people who laugh at these kind of things will be the same peole who constantly post threads looking for input on their next box upgrade because they are dissatisfied.

I'm all for tweaking and this sort of thing. It just sounds a bit odd to me.

Do you think someone set out to make this product with audiophile intent? Or do you think they found that it has (maybe) a positive effect and as such they decided to up the price accordingly?

I'm interested in giving it a try myself, but i'm in the non 100% convinced camp at the MOment.
No Mo, it was not conceived by the Audiophile world, more by the military world;)

Just one of those things, most advanced RFi suppression developments seem to be coming from former military personel or suppliers (Vertex,Shunyata, ERS). I guess these guys have been experimenting with the effects of RFi in more critical enviroments for some time.

Pricing for anything comes down to what the market will stand, that's capitalism. On a potential improvement vs cost comparison, it has to rate way up there, and just think if Russ had got hold of it. £49.99 for a 4" x 4" sheet me suspects;)
conspiracy theory.....

Tony and merlin recently had a meeting.

Tony and merlin seem to be the only ones to have previously heard of this. Could it all be a giant wind up/piss take??? If this thread had been started as a "oh my god! look at this utter audiofool snake oil shite" i'm sure that would have been the trend of the following posts.

We're talking about sticking a dish cloth on your kit here!!!


I stuck 9 and 1/2 packs of blu tack in my dvd player, but even me doth think this is a joke.

If I ever get round to trying this and it convinces me i'll post and admit it. And it would have to be a REAL improvement. Surely just wiping the dust from the tv screen would be its best use?

well i did further research and it certainly isnt BS, infact a similar material is used on some products we produce/test at work. Yes they are carbon fibre based and do not need an earth connection to work. If the company i work for use it then it is deffinately NOT bs. We have a full on RFI lab at work, shame it's full of eggheads that wont talk to mortals like me
Unfortunately i cant get any from work:mad:

You dont honestly fall for this crap do you?

You dont honestly think a soundcard can sound good do you:rolleyes: :p

Just one of those things, most advanced RFi suppression developments seem to be coming from former military personel or suppliers (Vertex,Shunyata, ERS). I guess these guys have been experimenting with the effects of RFi in more critical enviroments for some time.

Indeed, and all started when a Russian defected in his Mig. The yanks got hold of the Mig and laughed at the valve based hardware onboard, That is untill one of thier scientific bods pointed out that in the event of a nuclear airburst the Mig would be the only plane still in the sky while the yank pilots fell to earth drastically trying to regain control of thier plane
as I read this thread i've recieved an alert telling me i've recieved the new russ andrews email! I wonder what joys it contains.

As with anything, I guess I shouldn't comment till i've tried it. Just sounds like a bit of a wind up to me though


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