compulsive cantater
Stereo Mic said:Led Zep were vastly more popular during their career than any so called composer ever was.
Their music continues to reach out and touch people from across the globe. That's the whole purpose of music - to touch the soul.
It is not and never was an intellectual excercise, except for those whose hearts and souls died at birth. Any music that achieves it's goal, whether classical, rock, or any genre, should be feted. Only the ignorant are likely to mock.
Reach out and touch, somebody's heart,
Don't try to please a boring old fart,
I confess, I do love LedZed fans! They really do come out swinging when I rattle their cages!
And when did the tooth fairy last visit, pray? And since when is having good taste in music being "a boring old fart". Great music (the real thing) is boring only to those whose ears are stopped and whose souls are either dead or totally absent. Bach, Beethoven, Mozart, Handel and all the other greats will be reaching souls and lifting minds long after the trite, money-grabbing rubbish of Page, Plant et al has long been forgotten.
I will admit to one thing. Clearly the guy is a genius - to have conned so many intelligent people on this forum into believing that this is actually music bespeaks considerable ability in the field of con artistry. I think it was one A. Hitler, Esq. who said, "Tell a big enough lie often enough and everyone will believe it." Clearly LedZed and their ilk have accidently (I hope) rediscovered it. Mind you the line
gives cause for thought? The counter to this argument on popularity as a measure of quality or fitness in any field is a two-word one - George Bush. Or, in music, Britney Spears.Led Zep were vastly more popular during their career than any so called composer ever was.