Finally - A sub that actually works!

wadia-miester said:
I feel Robbo won't be long before the neighbours gang up on him

There were some of them moving out yesterday when I turned up :D And that is not a joke!

Michael, you should try to get a listen. I had mine for long enough to know it was not compatible with old English buildings and neighbours. All I have left now is the crack around the ceiling :(
Excellen choice Robbo - that one will be on my shopping list when I build a surround set up again.

Have you tried any movies with really deep bass on them yet? Give The Haunting DTS a whirl - not a great film but bloody hell there's a lot of deep stuff on there and the <20Hz through those Velo'd is really odd - you can't hear anything but the stress on the room!

Mike B,
That is a compliment :), I'm just a very particular guy, however it works really well in the system without question. I still feel that a correctly 'worked' floorstander is better, however, I have to say Robbo's system now has the missing piece of the puzzle in place, nice one mate :)
So Robbo, does this mean you're high-passing the Proac's through the Velodyne crossover? Or are you just using the low-pass crossover on the sub, and the Proac's are still run full-range?

this is looks nice.

i hope sometime i will get an oportunity to try a sub from DD series at home.

too bad it's so expansive.
Interesting write-up Robbo, cheers for sharing, and including all the piccies :) . Having good EQ built into a sub where it can address room resonance issues but without any detriment to the signal to the main speakers does seem a very good idea (assuming the EQ is fast enough, which it must be going by the results).

Is there any spec data given on that microphone? I'm just wondering about the roll off shown on the outputs going up to 200Hz. Or is such a variation normal in room? Might there be any issue having the microphone on a pile of cushions rather than a stable support?
i remember an article sometime ago in one of the magazines about using Behringer for sub EQ only.
Have you tried any movies with really deep bass on them yet? Give The Haunting DTS a whirl - not a great film but bloody hell there's a lot of deep stuff on there and the <20Hz through those Velo'd is really odd - you can't hear anything but the stress on the room!

Hi Matt,

I havent really set it up for movies yet, I need to find some settings that 'big it up a bit' for effect! Will give the haunting a go when I get the chance.

Is there any spec data given on that microphone? I'm just wondering about the roll off shown on the outputs going up to 200Hz. Or is such a variation normal in room? Might there be any issue having the microphone on a pile of cushions rather than a stable support?


The microphone is of good quality, and I am led to believe it would cost over £200 to buy. Its the same one that Tact uses for their room correction systems. The dip at 200 hz is most likely a function of where the seating position is. Although it looks bad, I dont think it is that excessive and certainly not really audible. If you are as sad as I am you would move the mic around the room and see where the peaks and troughs lie. the 200 hz dip can be turned into a peak in certain locations. I dont think the cushions really have a bearing on the measurement tbh.

You raise a good point about the time delay due to signal processing. In the DD12 the signal goes A/D - DSP - D/A - amp - drive unit. There is inevitably going to be some kind of delay during this process but it must be very small as I cannot notice it at all and you get a great sense of timing and rhythmic integrity when the sub is used.

As Tony says, this sub is 'non *****' :)
Robbo said:
If you are as sad as I am you would move the mic around the room and see where the peaks and troughs lie. the 200 hz dip can be turned into a peak in certain locations. I dont think the cushions really have a bearing on the measurement tbh.

Interesting. I have zero experience of in-room response plots, so I wasn't really sure how unusual that dip was, it's just rather different from the typical plots you see from speaker manufacturers and I was wondering if there was a measurement rather than acoustic explanation if it were anomalous.

All I do know is if I play a frequency sweep track on my system, in my little room, the response is distressingly far from sounding flat :( .

Sounds a lovely setup indeed.

Out of interest, you mention that you have tried many subs, and that the Velodyne "pisses on any UK manfactured sub" such as the likes of REL etc.

Have you tried any of the top B&W's at all? If you have, I'd be interested in hearing your views of them compared to the Velodyne as regards the sound.

Many thanks


John... :-)
Glad you're pleased with your new baby Robbo.

I've had my DD-15 slightly over a year now and am still astonished by what it can do. Things look set to get even more interesting when Velodyne provide the new software updates :)
Damn it Robbo, that listening session has led to that black box of tricks going back into the system :mad:

Now where are those Frickin' Awesomes :D You can't beat good bass can you?
I've got the Velodyne CHT-10R and thats a stonking sub for music...great for movies too!!
Im possibly in the market for a good sub that delivers clean fast deep bass.
Are Velodyne the best to go for in this dept and which models do they do which are more affordable say around the £500 mark so equivelent to MJ, REL etc?
I was just looking at the SPL 800 MkII any thoughts on that one?

Curt said:
which models do they do which are more affordable say around the £500 mark so equivelent to MJ, REL etc?

I've heard the CHT-10R and CHT-12R and they both give the SPL1000 a serious run for it's money and in some aspects (impact more than speed or clarity admittedly) they beat that SPL. Personally I'd take a CHT-12R over an SPL800 or 1000 unless you really must have a small enclosure.

The CHT-12R is only £469 at Cinema Experience here: so pretty much half the price of the SPL.

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