Finally - A sub that actually works!

Thanks for the info Juboy.
This is purely for music so looking for speed and clarity rather than thwack.
Being driven by Krell 400xi, Classe CDP-10 and Dynaudio 1.3mkII speakers.

In that case I'd just keep checking the classifieds for a DD-10 or DD-12. People seem to be selling those at around £1200-£1500 second hand and they'll destroy the SPL Series in every way with music and movies.
Curt, IMO a £500 sub in that company will be more trouble than it's worth.

I just don't understand people adding inexpensive subwoofers to quality stereo systems.
Better than the Dyn 1.3mkIIs? Don't you know WM, any piece of kit I own is the best there is ...until I find something better ;)

Agree with merlin also. I tried an MJA Pro50 sub in my system and despite occasionally giving promising results it never really worked properly so I now just use it for AV stuff.

juboy said:
Glad you're pleased with your new baby Robbo.

I've had my DD-15 slightly over a year now and am still astonished by what it can do. Things look set to get even more interesting when Velodyne provide the new software updates :)


As the DD12 is so good and rattles and shakes my room without even trying when you want it to, TBH I really can't imagine the need for anything more, unless you have a massive room! What extra does the DD15 bring to the table?

Do you have any ideas what extra features the software updates are going to bring? You cant just dangle the carrot you know :)
merlin said:
Damn it Robbo, that listening session has led to that black box of tricks going back into the system :mad:

Now where are those Frickin' Awesomes :D You can't beat good bass can you?

Dont tell me you are regretting selling the thing!
Have you tried any of the top B&W's at all? If you have, I'd be interested in hearing your views of them compared to the Velodyne as regards the sound.

Not tried the B&W tbh. but unless it has digital EQ and servo control to reduce distortion, I think it is unlikely to be able to beat the Velodynes.
Robbo said:
Dont tell me you are regretting selling the thing!

No mate, my room is not as structurally sound as yours. But I do miss the ability to EQ the bottom end, particularly after trying those unruly things at the weekend :D

Tried the Tact again and same problem - fabulous on CD but takes away some of the magic with vinyl. I have a cunning plan ;)

I have heard the new ASW850 and it is one impressive beast. Having owned earlier B&W subs (ASW4000, ASW3000) I was surprised just how much better the new Nautilus range are. As Robbo says however, it would make a great deal of sense to pair it with something like the Behringer or a Rane.
Robbo said:
As the DD12 is so good and rattles and shakes my room without even trying when you want it to, TBH I really can't imagine the need for anything more, unless you have a massive room! What extra does the DD15 bring to the table?

Some (rather nice) adjustable feet, and an extra back breaking 33lbs!

Do you have any ideas what extra features the software updates are going to bring? You cant just dangle the carrot you know :)

I have v1.4 (top left corner of main "TV" screen) of the software on a sub manufactured in Aug 2004 - it appears identical to what you have.
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From the Velodyne website :-

Initial Versions of Digital Drive subwoofers shipped with release 1.2. The release number can be seen in the upper left hand corner of the main screen (the screen with the Velodyne logo on it).

Release 1.3 corrected an issue with 100-volt (Japanese export) versions.

Release 1.4 changes the default preset to 4, and maximizes the theater music (servo loop gain) setting during the sweep. There were no changes to the performance or features of the unit, however several minor bugs relating to inadvertent overlaying of screen characters were also addressed.

The Artison 1.4 software reflects a new partnership program. Artison and Velodyne have teamed up to determine optimal settings for Artison Portrait loudspeakers. The software reflects the changes in the default crossover, phase, and preset settings to optimally match the Artison Portraits with Digital Drive subwoofers. We expect to partner with more speaker manufacturers in the future.

Release 1.5 fixes a minor bug relating to the auto on/off feature for both the Digital Drive Software and Digital Drive for Artison Portrait Software. Some Digital Drive units will not properly auto shutoff without this correction.

NOTE: Release 1.5 contains the upgrades and changes made on all previous releases.

Nothing of much note really. However, it sounds like Juboy knows of something in the pipeline.
I believe an auto EQ and averaging system is in the pipeline, but nothing to get the keen hobbyist excited AFAIK.
Bruce Hall the CEO of Velodyne posted the following on AV Forums :-

Bruce Hall said:
The auto EQ feature is part of a new software release called 2.0. It is now in internal testing and we expect to release it early in 2005. The upgrade will be free of charge. The auto-EQ feature will provide both an auto function on the graph screen so you can watch it work, and an "easter egg" code that, when punched in on the cover screen, will have the woofer automatically emit 25 sweep tones and then save its settings. This lets one EQ without any video hookup at all. There will also be other 2.0 features such as individual EQs per preset that we'll share when we are ready to release.
MartinC said:
I was vaguely wondering about the possibility of using Isaac's gizmo with my sub too. I guess it would depend on if it had enough flexibility over the bass frequency region, and how fast it processed the signal.

1/3rd octave graphic equaliser, +/-15dB, 1/10th octave parametric and dynamic, +/-15dB.

Not sure what the delay in the signal is.
MartinC said:
I was vaguely wondering about the possibility of using Isaac's gizmo with my sub too. I guess it would depend on if it had enough flexibility over the bass frequency region, and how fast it processed the signal.

The delay through the unit is very small, I don't recall any lip sync problems when using it for AV for instance (and I have it cascaded with an ultradrive crossover too).

One shortcomings of the DEQ is that it isn't particularly flexible as a crossover (why I partnered it with the ultradrive); the other shortcoming is the frequency setting in parametric mode is rather coarse meaning that you can't put the center frequency anywhere, it has around 5Hz resolution @ 50Hz, which can making killing high Q peaks a bit hit and miss. Finally, the auto EQ is IMHO crap; you really need a proper measurement tool (like ETF) to figure out how to set the PEQ...

The ultradrive/ultracurve pair are about $650 in the US - which isn't cheap, but are a tweakers delight :)

On the other hand, the new denon AV 2805 has room EQ (8 band parametric IIRC), looks to be about £550 in UK and maybe a better fit for what you have in mind. Has anyone bought one of these beasts?
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Robbo said:
Do you have any ideas what extra features the software updates are going to bring? You cant just dangle the carrot you know :)

Most of the software advances have been covered above, although I believe Velodyne are also working on additional EQ sliders (8 not being quite enough for some of us).

Many of the developments have been mooted and/or announced by Bruce Hall at the UK's official Velodyne Digital Drive Forum here (be warned, it's a hell of a long read!)

It seems Velodyne will be trying to cater for what most users want to be able to do with their DDs as a rolling project. Which, although you pay an initial price for it, seems a far better attitude than taking your money and just leaving you to it.

As for the DD-15, I only use mine in my AV system and therefore appreciate the additional extension. I also have a problem with my room in that it's the middle floor of an open plan three floor building and the sub therefore needs to be able to move a lot more air. Had I been in a more 'normal' situation I'd have probably gone for the 12 myself.

I use fairly weighty floorstanders in my 2-channel system and have never tried integrating a sub into it.
merlin said:
Curt, IMO a £500 sub in that company will be more trouble than it's worth.
I just don't understand people adding inexpensive subwoofers to quality stereo systems.

Whilst ordinarily I'd agree with the above, in the case of the CHT-10R and 12R it's a slightly different kettle of fish, they have specifically designed 'tight/fast' presets for different types of music replay and are far, far more controlled than any subs I've heard previously at the price point (including the so called 'musical' RELs).

BTW, I've heard an MJ Acoustics 50 sub and you really can't even begin to compare that to a CHT-R sub, not even in the same league.

Although, as I said before, if it's solely for music replay, I'd wait for a cheap DD-10 to pop up on the second hand market personally.
Well tone i happen to like the Dyns very very much and feel they are excellent speakers that just keep improving each time i upgrade electronics.
I would only be using the sub to catch the very low stuff and dont feel its worthwhile spending fortunes on one.
I am getting pretty positive results with an old Rel 150E at present :eek:
You hardly notice it until you turn it off.
Its subtle but works quite well.


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