Freezing CDs?

Not in this case, but when you jump into the cable and resonator family bandwagon...

even so .........its up to people to choose though....?

if it hasn't worked for you...doesn't mean to say it won't for others?

I didn't do any "jumping" btw.....and don't know of any "bandwagon" as you describe it?

How abouta bit of live and let live?!?!

Each to their own?

Why is that unnacceptabe to some?

That wasn't really the point of my post though...

own quote ....

"......pointing out audio products you may feel are over-priced is one thing but I really don't think you have the right to criticise people for experimenting"
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People who seemingly inhabit the outer shores of "Beltism" (freezing CDs, etc) are listening to their systems, not music

Which is why IMHO, a many 'audiophile' recordings sell well, even if the music is pretty boring in the extreme.
The "hobby", if you can call it that, is about enjoying music, in my opinion. People who seemingly inhabit the outer shores of "Beltism" (freezing CDs, etc) are listening to their systems, not music, and bring the rest of us into disrepute with their idiotic and ill-considered ideas.


See where the 'Music' is Luci.

...notice an Orchestra ? , perhaps not, or do you have the 'Little People' living inside your HiFi system :eek:

Glad you like it, Dave. The "hobby", if you can call it that, is about enjoying music, in my opinion. People who seemingly inhabit the outer shores of "Beltism" (freezing CDs, etc) are listening to their systems, not music, and bring the rest of us into disrepute with their idiotic and ill-considered ideas.

I think of FAR greater concern on the forum is that members can respect each other's opinion, even if they don't quite agree with them.

Hobbies (I think) come in many shapes and forms, James, not just listening to music.

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I think of FAR greater concern on the forum is that members can respect each other's opinion, even if they don't quite agree with them.

Since when, and why, does a completely daft opinion demand "respect"? The situation is exactly analogous to religion, where all the various religious loons around the world, with their various wacko fantasies, demand that their religion is "respected", not only by all the other loons, but also by the rational people. There's no reason at all to respect any silly idea, whether it concerns freezing CDs, or "god".
Since when, and why, does a completely daft opinion demand "respect"? The situation is exactly analogous to religion, where all the various religious loons around the world, with their various wacko fantasies, demand that their religion is "respected", not only by all the other loons, but also by the rational people. There's no reason at all to respect any silly idea, whether it concerns freezing CDs, or "god".

don't you consider yourself to have made your point

After all, if you haven't tried it, you can't comment on whether it improves the sound, or not, can you?

Mmm... So 'Devil' have you actually tried it or are you just a complete and total hypocrite...??? I know where my answer to this one would lie.​
Since when, and why, does a completely daft opinion demand "respect"? The situation is exactly analogous to religion, where all the various religious loons around the world, with their various wacko fantasies, demand that their religion is "respected", not only by all the other loons, but also by the rational people. There's no reason at all to respect any silly idea, whether it concerns freezing CDs, or "god".

I'm not a religious person but I can see the subject brings a lot of comfort to many people.

Therefore it has a place for them in their lives.

Jane Goody, love her or hate her, gained a lot of comfort from religion in her last (dieing) days.

Thats a tough call to be faced with death at the age of 27, with two young kids to consider.

If you can't repect people's opnions it would be a start to respect people themselves..

Thats why I say, I feel very sorry for you.
Mmm... So 'Devil' have you actually tried it or are you just a complete and total hypocrite...??? I know where my answer to this one would lie.

No, and there's a billion other things I haven't tried as well. Why not smear marmite, soy sauce & peanut butter all over the CD, place it in a glass bowl & refrigerate for three days: finally wash with lukewarm water & a little fairy liquid & air dry? Have you tried that?

"Cut The Oxygen And The Agenda Dies....simples."


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Sadly in my opinion this thread is a clear statement of the mentality of the "audiophile"

Freezing a CD "DOES NOT" change the pits nor data within the disc, it does nothing! And from what I remember with regard to the whole "Cryogenic" rubbish, domestic equipment is NOT capable of freezing anything to sufficient temperatures to modify any part of the material structure.

Freezing CD's is no more than FOO, and proves nothing more than the availability and mental vulnerability of many readers of audio journal tripe.

Many probably do it cause they think it makes them look cool.

Frozen chicken does not taste as nice as fresh chicken, and frozen CD's probably taste worse.

Oh and there is no god, but there is are plenty of people with mental issues using "faith as an excuse, or crutch.

Has anyoner any data or conclusive evidence showing the physical changes within teh digital data stream confirming what physical changes create teh cause and effect with this phenomenon?
Freezing a CD "DOES NOT" .......

........ anything to sufficient temperatures to modify any part of the material structure."

I'm unclear how many times I have written this now but I am not a supporter of the frozen cd concept.

I tried it, 2/3 times, no effect discernable to myself.

Kurwa Mać......
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Freezing a CD "DOES NOT" change the pits nor data within the disc, it does nothing! And from what I remember with regard to the whole "Cryogenic" rubbish, domestic equipment is NOT capable of freezing anything to sufficient temperatures to modify any part of the material structure.

Freezing CD's is no more than FOO, and proves nothing more than the availability and mental vulnerability of many readers of audio journal tripe.

I'd like to ask what it is that makes you a World authority on physics...? I'd also like to know how you know so much about this subject...? Have you actually tried it and gained the experience with which you now speak...? If you haven't tried it then I think that speaks a lot more than you do.​