Freezing CDs?

Try Again.
Spica: and i Resist Rationality when it's value would be of worth to non... "but the egoist" .

you appear to be suggesting that a rational view on life is of no value. If this is the correct interpretation, then an irrational viewpoint would be preferable, in your opinion. This is what you appear to have, so everyone's happy, I guess.

Wasn't/isn't too difficult to find the missing link in the mind of (the devil) luci. There are no grey area's to begin with... as reality must be sorted into clearly cut what chance of any allowance given toward another even looking at it (thegrey) in the first, never mind finding the link to solid :)

RHolt. Quote: "Well, if the listener can detect absolutely no difference when the most basic, cheaper than cheap interconnect is inserted into the signal path, it surely calls into question the whole notion of cable sound".

I would hope that if no difference is detected, then the listener would pass on the item, i believe you are saying that the listener is being fooled/ is a fool, as they have been manipulated and so are deceiving themselves in the false belief that the item shows sound improvement.

Well.. that is your individual opinion/belief, and i accept cases in your case, should you not at least accept the possibility that "not all" of the listeners that detect a difference are deluded, though that may be difficult as it is probably much easier for you to commit the whole issue as inessential... rather than 'waste your time' filtering it for worth .

Well said barty ......

Whats worse is that when they are offered the chance to listen to the evidence one frozen and one unfrozen cd ....not a single one has had the bottle to contact me.

We have a word in my local are for people like these ...we call them yitnee

Rob since when did you listen to interconnect cables in the tape loop ...thats like suggesting you road test a sports car pulling a caravan to test its performance ...hardly like how you'd used in the real world ......

then again ..may be you would
Well said barty ......

Whats worse is that when they are offered the chance to listen to the evidence one frozen and one unfrozen cd ....not a single one has had the bottle to contact me.

We have a word in my local are for people like these ...we call them yitnee

Rob since when did you listen to interconnect cables in the tape loop ...thats like suggesting you road test a sports car pulling a caravan to test its performance ...hardly like how you'd used in the real world ......

then again ..may be you would

Hi, Zanash,

I see from your posts that you are a "Builder and seller of Bespoke cables and other tweaky bits."

It is therefore very much in your interest to promote the "fruit loop" world view in all things audio. I have therefore decided always to weigh your opinions with this in mind.

But to get back to the thread, I remember trying chilled CDs back in the day when the idea was first promoted. I could hear absolutely no difference, neither could my wife or children. Therefore I personally filed the idea under "audiophoolery". I see no reason to re-assess that classification.


How about boiling CDs instead? Allow to simmer for 3 mins.

And how did it sound ?

perhaps you'd like to substantiate your claim ....Mescalito

I think you'll find if you actually took the time to bother reading the posts before you jump in with both feet that this was about freezing cd's and not cables .....

And why can't I comment on cables per say in general terms ? its only yourself that's now promoting and highlighting the fact that I build bespoke cables !

oddly thats why people with vested interests have been asked to make it clear so people can make a fair assessment of other opinions.....if you don't like go bleat to the mods.

I repeat would any one like to listen to the two cd's one frozen one not so as to make up there own mind .....?

mind you there can't be anything simpler than bunging a disc in the freezer ....its even easier than boiling up a pan of water and dropping a disc in !
don't think i've ever read as much negativity in a thread with all negative parties not having tried the freezing process and therefore not knowing the results

Our kids' nanny has a cure for hick-ups: you must apply a piece of paper with a bit of saliva to the forehead and wait for the hick-ups to go away...

Do you need to try it to know it won't work? :MILD:

P.S.: What was I thinking... Of course it'll work!
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Try Again.
Spica: and i Resist Rationality when it's value would be of worth to non... "but the egoist" .

Wasn't/isn't too difficult to find the missing link in the mind of (the devil) luci. There are no grey area's to begin with... as reality must be sorted into clearly cut what chance of any allowance given toward another even looking at it (thegrey) in the first, never mind finding the link to solid :)

RHolt. Quote: "Well, if the listener can detect absolutely no difference when the most basic, cheaper than cheap interconnect is inserted into the signal path, it surely calls into question the whole notion of cable sound".

I would hope that if no difference is detected, then the listener would pass on the item, i believe you are saying that the listener is being fooled/ is a fool, as they have been manipulated and so are deceiving themselves in the false belief that the item shows sound improvement.

Well.. that is your individual opinion/belief, and i accept cases in your case, should you not at least accept the possibility that "not all" of the listeners that detect a difference are deluded, though that may be difficult as it is probably much easier for you to commit the whole issue as inessential... rather than 'waste your time' filtering it for worth .


There are also many people around the world dragging themselves on their knees in hope that god will answer their prayers... This phenomenon is called faith.

Audio is science.
Rob since when did you listen to interconnect cables in the tape loop ...thats like suggesting you road test a sports car pulling a caravan to test its performance ...hardly like how you'd used in the real world ......
So you would expect any piece of interconnect to have no audible effect when in circuit via the tape loop?

Why not freeze a CD you have had trouble ripping?

Rob since when did you listen to interconnect cables in the tape loop ...thats like suggesting you road test a sports car pulling a caravan to test its performance ...hardly like how you'd used in the real world ......

then again ..may be you would

Of course it isn't.
Do you know how a tape loop works?

In a passive system is simply breaks the signal path.
Bridging the record/replay sockets with a cable simply forces the signal through the that cable. There is no difference in practice to inserting the cable between the source component and pre-amp. The benefit of this method is that you can compare the cable feed with 'direct' (ie no cable) instantly and with perfect level matching. I am simply inviting anyone on this forum to identify a giveaway basic interconnect in the signal path.

Given the response so far, the phrase 'all mouth and no trousers' springs to mind.
Of course it isn't.

Do you know how a tape loop works?

In a passive system is simply breaks the signal path.
Bridging the record/replay sockets with a cable simply forces the signal through the that cable. There is no difference in practice to inserting the cable between the source component and pre-amp. The benefit of this method is that you can compare the cable feed with 'direct' (ie no cable) instantly and with perfect level matching. I am simply inviting anyone on this forum to identify a giveaway basic interconnect in the signal path.


I am curious: do you mean identifying using the tape loop method and could you elaborate a bit more on what's being compared?

Anyway, it's interesting that not many Audiophile cable manufacturers give away the specs of their cables, some of which (like capacitance) have a notable impact in sound as does topology.

And how did it sound ?

perhaps you'd like to substantiate your claim ....Mescalito

I think you'll find if you actually took the time to bother reading the posts before you jump in with both feet that this was about freezing cd's and not cables .....

And why can't I comment on cables per say in general terms ? its only yourself that's now promoting and highlighting the fact that I build bespoke cables !

oddly thats why people with vested interests have been asked to make it clear so people can make a fair assessment of other opinions.....if you don't like go bleat to the mods.

I repeat would any one like to listen to the two cd's one frozen one not so as to make up there own mind .....?

mind you there can't be anything simpler than bunging a disc in the freezer ....its even easier than boiling up a pan of water and dropping a disc in !

Hi once again Zanash,

The point I was trying to make was not about cables, I was merely putting chilled CDs in the same category as other "tweaks" & audio tomfoolery, such as trick interconnects, special mains leads, the whole panoply of PWB nonsense etc. I was not objecting to you pandering to this market, merely noting that it is in your interest to promote the more, shall we say, mystical side of the hobby. Because of this, I personally will not be taking to much note of any posts you make which touch on this kind of thing.

I have absolutely no problem with people making, marketing and buying snake oil products. people want to buy them so somebody better sell them, and good luck to them.

Similarly, I have no problem if people want to shove CDs in the freezer. They are harming no one. I even tried it once, as I stated in my earlier post. It didn't work.

Sorry if I offended you.


There are also many people around the world dragging themselves on their knees in hope that god will answer their prayers... This phenomenon is called faith.

Audio is science.

Hear the words in your head or did you use your ears ?

What Rob is suggesting with the cable thing is that the expensive cable is used to connect the source to the amp. The cheap cable then goes in the tape loop. So if you can not hear when the cheap cable (plus extra sockets, plugs and switches) is added to the signal path, rather than the signal going directly through the expensive cable, clearly the cheap one does not degrade the sound. On the other hand if you can hear the addition of all that cheap cable to the signal path, then you prove your point.

I really think both Pete and David should take Rob up on the offer. Rob is very relaxed, and even if you can't hear the difference I'm sure it will still be a nice day for all involved.
Seeing as this is such an important and entertaining topic I've taken the greengrocer's apostrophe out of the title. It was degrading the signal.

Do you really need to carry out a completely pointless and futile action in order to know for certain that it's a complete waste of time? Checking for the sake of checking is bordering on OCD.

it wasn't pointless nor futile, i had a lot of enjoyment out of it and after all that is wot my hobby is all about. As for the results - it did work, as it has for other members here, so devil, why don't you keep your snidey comments to yourself. You obviously believe there is no difference, whether you have tried it or not i don't know.
Some years ago a friend asked if i'd like to go with him to see/hear a TT he had seen for sale, i agreed,we went, we listened, he liked... and so he bought the player. The gent selling the TT (i guess in his late 50's) then told us how he was thinking of getting shut of the LS3/5a's he had in his (dining room) second system, the reason being that he had another pair of bookshelf speakers of so-called inferior quality that he preferred in there place, and that he believed them to be of much greater improvement over the chartwell's.
He offered a listen to compare..and we did so without him telling us or us asking what his newly acquired preferred speakers were, both my friend and i thought the ls35a's had it by a good nose..they were the better sounding, he agreed the points we pointed to... that in our opinion revealed the better sounding speaker's, "he heard them as we did" but then he weighed our points of preference with others that he heard, though we understood where he was coming from we "did not hear them" as he did, he believed that what he heard tipped the balance against the ls35a's, that what we didn't hear, that he did, was of much greater importance than what we heard which to him only served to cloud the truth, he then revealed that a number of others.. bar one or two, had arrived at the same conclusion that we had.
Now this irritated my friend a little, he has been around hifi long enough to see the days were he could hardly give away the likes of Quad II's and ST-20's and rightly considered himself of good ear , though fairly "allowed the possibility" that the guy could hear something that he/we couldn't. Neither of us thought for a second that the guy was deluded, what would it serve to try to convince him that he was wrong, to change/manipulate his perception, "perhaps we and the majority others weren't wrong" , i said, "it's just that we don't hear it as he does". :)
Is there a punch line coming?

Forget better or worse at this stage, lets just see if anyone can detect a difference.

That must be the starting point. Preferences, if any, come later.
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Is there a punch line coming?

Forget better or worse at this stage, lets just see if anyone can detect a difference.

That must be the starting point. Preferences, if any, come later.

a reminder... (Groundhog day again mr holt) that differences have been detected for decades though i doubt this a marriage you will 'ever' consummate :)