I want a Linn - in a DB9
I thought that the Steinhart room sounded warm but it was probably the speakers. Felt the sound was very detailed and clear though so they may have potential. Mind you, I quite like a bit of warm.Originally posted by GrahamN
Also was a bit disappointed by the Steinhart. Really far too warm
In fact I've arranged to drive up to Northampton tomorrow and see what they do with a decent set of speakers. I'll report back.
On that subject, did anyone notice the Wavac single-ended triode power amps? At only £37,500 for the 100W monoblocks, they're definitely worth a listen. I'm going on Oct 14th. Steve Hoffman (Californian remastering guru) uses them and raves about them. The 35W version is a snip at only £20,250 but my guess it that they'd take £20K. I'll let you know.