Got me a record player!

Originally posted by merlin
some of our members will not get it, or will choose to ignore it. That's fine, I fully understand:) But I am telling you, there IS something out there;)
and can it be heard outside of ...

the twilight zone ?
i mentioned those descriptions only as an example of how some would (unfairly?) categorize the vinyl sound.

as for listening through to experience a greater connection to the music and more detail, possibly but i don;t feel i have to make that kind of effort with cd and i still get a great emotional connection to the music and have enough detail that i still hear new things even on familiar cd's. would i hear more from vinyl? possibly but from my experience it is that i'd hear different things not the same as cd PLUS more.

the thing that make me laugh are those using bandwidth limited preamps making a big deal of vinyls greater bandwidth. hmmmm


Julian, don't know is you are able to or not, but my deck has a shiney new cart on it, you are welcome to come down again and hear the vinyl sound. Its a big imporvement on last time I can assure you.
So does that mean the summer trees are taller as there on 47 levels of ANGLE IRON THEN :D
I am impressed guys, very civilised, I've been chopping tress down today, and replacing them with 'very real ones' :)
James do you feel If Robbo listens to Pogs set up he will get a feel for a real TT?, be a lot easier than trundling up the M6 mate, then how about you come and have a listen to Robbo's, seems a very fair exchange in these times of understanding and enlightenment. WM
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Originally posted by sideshowbob
digitalians ought to be able to describe what it is that CD does so well in different terms. Julian's made a reasonable stab at it, Michael not really.
Thanks Ian - I'll try harder in the next exam :D

TBH, I haven't heard enough TTs to be able to say what I like that's better about CDs but I'm not that bothered. Even if I had, and, like merlin, came to the conclusion that vinyl was better, I wouldn't switch as I'm quite satisfied with the sound I get from CD.

Perhaps I should listen to a TT to see what I'm missing. Then again perhaps I should listen to a full dCS setup with £50Ks worth of amps and speakers to see what I'm missing. What's the point? I'm not going to switch in either case.

Now there lies the Cervat', most cd guys haven't heard a decent TT, and most TT boys haven't heard a decent CDP.
Henry and myself were discussing this today, and feel a lot of the 'legends, myth's and mythos' could be laid to rest with an exchange, I for one would personaly like to hear Dean's set up.
We also try to calculate a decent TT cost in used terms, we reckon about £5-£5.5K (including, cart/arm/phono stage/psu for motor and stand/rack all good stuff at used/ex demo prices.
I'm sure you guys can come up with some suggestions, real world equations only please (we based the above cost on a used WT classic for £2200) WM
So, inspired by all this comparative stuff, out came the Handel again, simultaneously on LP12 and Marantz 63KI/DAC20. Both sparkled, both had all the leaves on their respective trees. Could I tell which was which? Ah, yes, that's the LP12 with its better, more authoritative bass (looks at amp, finds it's the CD player). Hmm... Now that's nice, clean detail from the CD (oh, actually, it's the LP12). Gives up, enjoys Mr. Handel. For those of you who can't enjoy both equally, my sympathies.
Alas, my lern'ed namesake, for us the afflicted, who are not blessed with netural ears ;) Be safe in the knowledge, i won't be purchasing one :) we were both merely try to put to gether (therecticaly) a minium TT set that would approach the preformance we have with out spending bucket loads of cash. a simple mind exercise, nothing more sir. :) Tones the larger
that's what it's all about at the end of the day, enjoying the music isn't it?

hopefully i'll have a bit more spare time in the near future so i'd love to come and have another listen to your kit. can we sort something out in a few weeks or so?



Whist I accept that you regard us Naim sheep as being lower than a dead frogs belly decomposing at the bottom of a pre historic lake, I extend to you an open invitation to have an earfull of my TT which is soon due back from Loricraft.

It is being fitted with an Naim Aro, a Naim Prefix phono stage and a Loricraft PSU. This TT should be, to use vernacular not normally uttered by old men such as I, the dogs b******s.

Mrs Mick is also making some rather good Dundee cake with a generous dolop of whiskey in it and you are most welcome to partake of tea.



PS I just got a SaraH Brightman LP. so it should be delightful.
Ok Mick, seeing as I've been beastiely to Naim's most venerable warrior yes I would consider it an hounor sir, would it be ok if master Timpy comes as well? he's better house trained then I ;)
Tone (but please no Sarah Brightman, there is only so much punishment a man can take in a life time :(
Originally posted by wadia-miester
Now there lies the Cervat', most cd guys haven't heard a decent TT, and most TT boys haven't heard a decent CDP.

Well WM, I believe (perhaps mistakenly) that I have;)

Am currently listening to a "decent" DVDA/SACD player for comparison purposes. Gives superb performance for the money. Listening to both that and the TT today simply makes me notice the loss of resolution in CD. Sorry guys, I wouldn't have believed it either. It's simply a software issue, and the CD's hardly sound bad in isolation.

Got a used copy of Made In Japan on vinyl today:D Mint condition import. 3 quid! Compared with the remastered CD, it's soft, seemingly lacking in detail and slam:( So why the hell did I prefer listening to the bloody music in this format:D

The SACD of DSOTM is also lacking punch and high end sparkle compared with the CD. Still listened to the whole album with a smile on my face though;)

I too would be interested to hear from the vinyl guys, how little could I spend to get the experience. I was thinking of breaking up and selling the Orbe/SME/Trichord/Koetsu for around 3K, and spending the proceeds on both a more down to earth TT and a new universal player (both SH of course).
Originally posted by merlin

I too would be interested to hear from the vinyl guys, how little could I spend to get the experience. I was thinking of breaking up and selling the Orbe/SME/Trichord/Koetsu for around 3K, and spending the proceeds on both a more down to earth TT and a new universal player (both SH of course).

That is incredibly hard to say my friend.

Dont you have a trichord delphini too?

I know you like to have the best of the best, and dont know if you'd be happy with something close?

For lower budgets, I would be looking at...

1) A nottingham analogue interspace. This is their old budget table, and close on performace to a space deck. You could get one sec hand with a rega 300 for about £600.

2) Cartridges.... a tricky and personal thing. a lot depends on the phono stage you'll be using. Iain has a contact for cheap new ortofohns....if you want new thats a good bet, or Len greggorys music maker II. Should be able to get something cracking for £300-£400.

3) An ear 834p (you may not like this kit though.. it sounds less detailed than a solid state phono, but more.. liquid) second hand £300. Or keep your delphini if thats what youve got.

Theres so many options out there, thats just one option..

Even a second hand Thorens for £150 on ebay when fettled correctly with a £200 cart and £200 phono stage will give you the fluidity youve come to like.

Dont know if that'll help - but keep an eye open for used interspaces - its a high end deck in a trenchcoat disguise IMO

julian that would be cool.

My job has gone tits at the moment, and with no assignment work my weekends are generally free, PM me and we will sort something out, I need to hear your stuff as well.


Merlin I am confused now, I you saying that you want to flog the TT for a cheaper TT?

The vinyl sound as Mick suggests seems to start at a certain price.

For me I had a rega planer 2 with some MM cart or other and I had around 40 records.

Then I got a DV MC cart and played the records I had but they were knackered so no change for around a year.

Then my Finace got a record of Big Bud, I exclaimed that any music without instruments with utter crap (how my tastes have changed) it went into the record collection to collect dust.

One day I pulled it out and played it and realised, shit there is a really good sound here.

two years later I have at a guess 800 records and purchase every weekend without a miss. the LP12 with MC sounds sublime and I would suggest that for say 800 quid you could get a nice one, then you want an MC cart of some kind (Sorry but it realy is the only way forward)

Merlin, I hope you continue on listening to the vinyl format, its beguiling and confusing why I prefer it, the CDP certainly sounds more specific and clear, but yet I rarely put a CD on nower days, always defaulting to the aledgedly confusing and crackly sound of vinyl.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
I humblely appologise to this forum for trying to assist a pretty piss poor medium as CD, I consider myself bollocked and won't mention it ever again :( WM

Tony, I feel you underestimate your acheivements. I can now say that you rank right up there with TacT Audio when it comes to t**d polishing;) And I think most would agree that a well polished t**d is a very impressive item. I still can't bring myself to love it though;)
Originally posted by garyi
Merlin I am confused now, I you saying that you want to flog the TT for a cheaper TT?

Merlin, I hope you continue on listening to the vinyl format, its beguiling and confusing why I prefer it, the CDP certainly sounds more specific and clear, but yet I rarely put a CD on nower days, always defaulting to the aledgedly confusing and crackly sound of vinyl.

Have no fear Gary;) I suppose I should know better than to try to economise here:rolleyes: But I heard a Gyrodec/RB300/Sumiko today, and that was very enjoyable too. The diffence in price might fund a cracking universal player to cover all bases. The Denon 2900 I have on loan is mighty enjoyable on SACD;)
gyrodecks make great second hand purchases.

You can buy an orbe platter for £100 (well I know where you can)
and you're 90% way to orbe land then I think... the other mods being achievable in dribs n drabs over time.

NB Thats the one reason I dont like the technodeck, its kind of limited in how far you can take it...


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