Got me a record player!

Originally posted by merlin
But I heard a Gyrodec/RB300/Sumiko today, and that was very enjoyable too.
Based on the reviews, my experiences with the Origin Live Silver tone arm and with the top Origin Live arm that I stole for the Frankfurt Show, I would imagine that their modified RB250 would be an excellent arm at a low price and would punch well above its financial weight. Origin Live claim that the modified RB250 is better than the modified RB300.

Le visit


I shall give you and Tim a shout when the TT is returned from Loricraft.

Are you really sure that you don't want to hear Sarah ?


Originally posted by merlin
Tony, I feel you underestimate your acheivements. I can now say that you rank right up there with TacT Audio when it comes to t**d polishing;)

I hope I didn't fall that low Mike :( would have been a wasted effort if I had ;) .
Still I've access to an audiocom full modded SACD1 and Im affraid that does fail as badly as tact does, nice mid range though :)
I'll just stick with me polishing and let sacd try and catch up, if the forum gives it permission :cool: WM
I heard a Gyrodec/RB300/Sumiko today

I reckon a Gyro with a decent arm (maybe a rewired RB250 or RB300, or, perhaps, the new Michell Technoarm) would be a very good bet. Add the new Never Connected PSU at some point (around £300 I think?) and an Orbe platter and you'll be back where you are now, in stages...

If you go second hand, make sure you get a recent Gyro with DC motor, which is generally considered to be significantly better than the older AC models.

Listening to both that and the TT today simply makes me notice the loss of resolution in CD. Sorry guys, I wouldn't have believed it either. It's simply a software issue, and the CD's hardly sound bad in isolation.

Do you want an official Vinyl Fan Club membership badge? :D

-- Ian
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Originally posted by wadia-miester
I hope I didn't fall that low Mike :( would have been a wasted effort if I had ;) .

You are both in the same game, just choosing to use different polishes;)

Still I've access to an audiocom full modded SACD1 and Im affraid that does fail as badly as tact does, nice mid range though

To be fair WM, you are looking for something that does not appear to be there with some of the alternative formats. I know you look for dynamics primarily, and your system certainly sounds dramatic enough.

I do find it interesting though, that (yes I know it's sad;) ), using an SPL meter to level match between sources, the CD always sounds far louder even though it actually isn't:confused: I was always under the impression that perceived loudness was due to distortion, guess that's wrong:confused:

Also, you should see that SPL meter needle jumping about with vinyl & SACD, rather than staying relatively static with CD:D Wierd:confused: Does that mean that micro dynamics are simply missing with the CD replay?

Do you an official Vinyl Fan Club membership badge?

:D Yes Ian, you could say I'm a born again record fan (or BARF for short:D ) I certainly won't be taking sides in the usual arguments anymore.

This has been an interesting debate. A lot of good & bad points made. I have not made much comment on this thread. This is due to me having a week off work & putting my feet up listening to my gramophone & compact disc setups. :cool:

It is good that Merlin has given vinyl a go & found many delights from it. There is no reason why you can't have enjoyable sound from more than one medium.

Big Tone has made a interesting point about people who have listened to decent turntables & cd players. Merlin has had both in is home. In this environment you can make a good judgement of the strengths and weaknesses. A quick listen may or may not sell it to you. Personal preference also comes into play.

Cd was sold on the 'fact' of no surface noise, pop clicks & crackle. Very low distortion, hardwaring ability & ease of use. Cd has very good ease of use but they can be foiled by scratches, muck etc. A knackered lp can be more playable than a scratched cd. They do not suffer from surface noise as a rule but they do distort more heavily as the level decreases. The medium is not perfect but neither is vinyl.

Vinyl & Cd have different distortion patterns which people will like or dislike. By careful design & build you will get good results from both.

As to what is a good amount to spend on a turntable setup to get this top notch performance depends on a number of things. Some people will think a Rega Plannar 2 will beat most cd player while others will look more high end. Personal tastes come into play. They are a lot of turntable setups that could please people for under £5.5K.

Hi Big Tone,

Henry and myself were discussing this today, and feel a lot of the 'legends, myth's and mythos' could be laid to rest with an exchange, I for one would personaly like to hear Dean's set up.

This would be an interesting idea. At some stage I may be up for this. But it may be a good few months away. This is due to much needed changes (improvements) to my abode. I will be having a big revamp to my house. Due to my busy lifestyle, this may take some time. But once done, you are very welcome to pop round.

Right, I'm off to buy some more vinyl to add to the collection.

Originally posted by SCIDB

Hi Big Tone,

This would be an interesting idea. At some stage I may be up for this. But it may be a good few months away. This is due to much needed changes (improvements) to my abode. I will be having a big revamp to my house. Due to my busy lifestyle, this may take some time. But once done, you are very welcome to pop round.

Right, I'm off to buy some more vinyl to add to the collection.


Dean, yes I would love to take yet (another trip to echy thump land eh Timpy :D ?) when your ready no probs.
The W/T I listened to had Valave amps on, quite dam good too, the only TT I've listened to that made think yes, ok this good, so all things being equal, as your a TT guru, I feel your should be atleast on par with this maybe more so :)
As for the £5.5k for a TT set, yes also you can get a good set for less, that will be more than forefilling for most, It's just Me :)
Dean, as soon as you're ready I'm inviting myself round. I suspect you have my dream perfect system, DAC64 aside. :D

-- Ian
No, that would be me, Ian. 'Bandwidth-limited' preamp an' all. :)

Merlin, if you really want to change the TT, see if you can find an LP12 with original bearing, Aro, Armageddon. Then get an MC cart of your choice. Should come in around £1500-£2000.

Alternatively (yes, you were expecting this everyone!) stick the TT on a Mana wallshelf. Might be a nice surprise.

Now that you've come this far, it would be a shame to spoil the ship for a ha'porth.


I dont believe Im asking this but..

Bub, how much is a mana wall shelf?

I cant think of another company producing a decent wall shelf these days...

Cheers matey
Nice and cheap that one Ian. Like it. Its got room for a phono stage right below too.

I wonder if the Mana one is available in shiny aluminium (keep it quiet but I actually think Mana looks nice in silver)....

if a little bit like a school dinner-tray shelving unit for empty trays.. DOH went and ruined it.

Nooo it is nice in silver.
Originally posted by wadia-miester
As for the £5.5k for a TT set, yes also you can get a good set for less, that will be more than forefilling for most, It's just Me :)
Ah yes, I was just going to chip in with a similar remark myself but you already said it. I think the £5.5K set-up we came up with yesterday was certainly very high-end stuff, and would say that the kit mentioned would still be considered at "aspirational" level even for the committed TT enthusiast whose been at it for quite some time! :eek:

I'd agree with those who've come up with systems based around a Gyrodec. That would also be the deck I'd personally be happiest living with if I had to "down size". Orbe platter optional, Origin Live, or 2nd hand Zeta or Helius arms. Ortofon Rohmann or Kontrapunk cartridges, or Van Den Hul MC One or Two Specials. Finally, Trichord Delphini phono stage with Never Connected PSU option.

BTW, Merlin, if you do decide to sell the TT, how much would you want for the Delphini? ;)
£275 for the basic shelf with glass platform. Nice. I didn't play any CDs for about six weeks after I did my TT, only returning to them when I Mana'd the CDP.

Upgradeable too...:)

I've mentioned this before but as I now realise that both Merlin and Henry are using Michell Orbe TTs, SME V tonearms and MC cartridges, I'll mention it again. If you are using the standard Michell spacers between armboard and chassis, then you are not hearing what the Orbe TT is capable of. If you have got rid of the Michell spacers, then read no further.

There is no doubt that with your current set-up, (i.e with Michell armboard spacers) a lot of tonearm resonance is not only affecting the cartridges' performance but also making it's way into the chassis, thereby smearing the bass and details. Sadly, the springs don't help in this respect. The culprits, as I mentioned before, are the Michell armboard spacers. Change those spacers for these: and hear that bass tighten, those details pouring out and the whole musical performance moving up a notch or two. It costs EUR 81.00 (GBP 56.00 at today's FX rate) to your door, far less than the price of some fancy cables but very effective all the same. Merlin, if you do try it, I don't think you would be in two minds as to whether you should keep the deck or to let it go. I confidently predict that you would keep the deck as the sound would be so good - if the music is what you are after.:D Btw, this also applies to all Gyrodec & Gyro SE owners regardless of tonearm used. No, I don't work for Pederson, I'm just a very satisfied customer. :D

Enjoy the music!!

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Thanks for that Lawrie.

I have read of the mod on the TNT website and over the weekend tried the blutak fix myself. I must admit, I felt I lost some of the sense of solidity and thwack that was there previously, although the bass did tighten up a bit.

There is no question that the Orbe is superb and has educated me somewhat. I just struggle to justify the cost at the moment, especially considering the very small vinyl collection that I posess.

I am going to advertise the Orbe on HFFS and get something a little less esoteric as a replacement whilst I build a collection. Once I have a substantial vinyl collection, I will no doubt bite the bullet and invest in another high end player.

In closing, thanks to all for the genuine enthusiasm and advice offered on this thread. I have found that prolonged exposure to vinyl leads to an understanding of others opinions, and of more music. I would urge all the digital guys out there to try the other stuff in the way that I have. You might just find the result enlightening.
Originally posted by merlin
Thanks for that Lawrie.

I have read of the mod on the TNT website and over the weekend tried the blutak fix myself. I must admit, I felt I lost some of the sense of solidity and thwack that was there previously, although the bass did tighten up a bit.

Hey Merlin,

No sweat!!:D Just a quick note though (in case anyone else is reading this) that the blu-tak mod which makes use of the existing spacers (the source of the problem in the first place) is very different to that used by Perderson (different materials used) as the Michell spacers are eliminated from the equation altogether. I compared the blu-tak mod with the Perderson mod (initially borrowed from a friend) back-to-back and on my deck, there was no comparison and it was the same for everyone I know that has tried it. The Pederson mod took the gold.:D

Anyway, I'm glad you enjoyed your foray into the "dark-side".:D

Enjoy the music!!


I did read your previous post from the first time you posted about these replacement spacers for the tonearm support. Not heard about it before to be honest, nor have I heard about this issue before until you previously mentioned it. An interested one, and one I'm sure to bear in mind.

But the next upgrade for me will definitely be the phono stage. Mainly because I've advised by several independent sources that my cartridge deserves a much better phono stage than I've currently got. On the whole, I'm happy with the sound, but it does vary rather a lot depending on the time of day I listen at, so getting a phono stage that is a decendent of my Iso with a better regulated power supply would be the upgrade I need next, IMHO. :)

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