Had a go with supports...

Originally posted by Donut
What do you mean by better - if you actually mean more expensive then fine - better is all about personal taste.

I mean better, adjective : improved in accuracy or performance.

Mo, stop trolling.
Originally posted by The Devil
I mean better, adjective : improved in accuracy or performance.

Mo, stop trolling.

perhaps it's the language barrier but you seem to have mis read what I said!
Originally posted by Robert Edgar
Well funny you should say that i have just got my father in law to make some oak cone feet (hehe copyright Russ Andrews)

'Made it out of his own head, he did.'

But seriously, is he doing to order?
Originally posted by Steven Toy
Mine doesn't. Some systems need Mana to get any semblance of an image and soundstage and/or bass control. 've got an image and stage, and the bass is a good a it gets in a small room with big speakers.

Mana is nice under my speakers where it doesn't interact with active components.

I am an accidental owner of a Mana 4 tier amp rack, bought s/h and ready assembled, two careful owners. I needed a rack, didn't have one and the price was right.

On this I place,
Meridian 602 CD transport
AS Dax Decade
AudioLab 8000S

Since this is the first time I have assembled this kit as a system, it blows me away in compraison with predessor, Meridian 200/203 combo. But what effect do you think the Mana is having?
erm.... simple answer. Place all kit on floor and then see if it sounds same/different/better/worse
OK, I agree,its an empirical matter - ears and all that. I just wanted to see whether there was strong a priori argument.

That said, the kit is resting upstairs in a bedroom while living room is being decorated, so I'll get the chance to play about.

You don't get it at all. John Watson and I have no problem with each other whatsoever. I'm "banned" from the Mana forum through choice and I'm also pretty sure that if I emailed JW to say I wanted to post there again, he'd let me in immediately.

His phone number is still stored in my phone and I'm very tempted to use it to have a chat with him - someone whom I regard as a decent decent bloke with a lot of integrity to boot.

My stance on stands has bugger all to do with petty politics and a lot to do with how I want my system to sound.

If ever a "newbie" posted on a stands issue I'd recommend Mana without hesitation if I thought it appropriate to his/her system.

I have no issue with Mana or any of its disciples including you.

I'd actually like to meet you one day on the condition that you wouldn't trash me and my home the way you did with Marco.
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Since this is the first time I have assembled this kit as a system, it blows me away in compraison with predessor, Meridian 200/203 combo. But what effect do you think the Mana is having?

I don't know. I'm not there. Mana is great stuff, but harmonics and tune are secondary to overall detail, and a very etched focus to my ears with Mana.

However, JW's own system did everything right except Nitin Sawney's plunging bassline on track 6 of the Broken skin album, and to be honest, if that was the only fault of the Briks he's got, I'd still buy a pair for everything else they did right once I get moved into a house with a bigger listening room than the one I have right now.

Me want Briks!
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Well, um, yes. I said nothing about Marco that wasn't true and deserved. Did you read what he wrote about my wife?

Anyway. Have you tried a Mana rack with your kit in your room, yes or no?

Oh, and my system plays the tune btw, Steven.
Much as it pains me to disagree with the Devil I don't agree that all systems, rooms and ears need Mana. Some do, some don't. Mine don't. Try it and see, along with something else that works like Hutter.

Changing one's tune

Oh, and my system plays the tune btw, Steven.

You spent a lot of time denying the existence or relevance of any notion of tune.

Have you tried Hutter or QSR in your system and compared tunefulness?

Did you read what he wrote about my wife?

I didn't know that you were married.
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Maybe it's indelicate to point this out, but all three of you, Alex, Mick and Steven, are currently using Mana supports under your speakers.

Steven, no I haven't. I've heard Hutter and Fraim in different demos and both seemed a bit 'pipe & slippers & so to bed' to me. This is borne out by others' experiences.

Now I've asked you twice whether you have tried a Mana rack. The answer must be no.

I've spent a lot of time dissing 'tune dems'. I've never denied that tunes exist!
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For me, the best way to think of Mana is to compare the experience with that of custom painting your car Pink.

It will no longer really matter what car it actually is, all people will notice is that it's now pink. It's a pink car, not a Seat. Any car painted pink will lose it's identity to a certain extent, but geez will it stand out from the crowd.

Now if you happen to really like pink, you will now own the finest set of wheels on the road.

And of course you might benefit from therapy.

PS. Didn't Natalie Cole do a song in the Nineties called "Pink Mana Rack"
Steven, no I haven't. I've heard Hutter and Fraim in different demos and both seemed a bit 'pipe & slippers & so to bed' to me. This is borne out by others' experiences.

Answering your question James, I'll answer it only once and not twice :D :

James, no I haven't. I've head Mana in different homes and it seemed a bit, well... to me. This is borne out by others' experiences.

I'll have to say this bit twice though:

Mana is nice under my speakers where it doesn't interact with active components
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Originally posted by merlin
Didn't Natalie Cole do a song in the Nineties called "Pink Mana Rack"
I think that was Aretha Fraimklin!

Edit: Okay, should have done my research before. Natalie actually did a song called Pink Cadillac; don't think I've heard it, though.

Aretha did a song that was called Freeway of Love (Pink Cadillac).
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Steven, I've heard three Mana'd systems which I didn't like, because of speaker/room interaction problems IMO, and eight Mana'd systems which worked very well indeed.

I think that no stand will overcome adverse room acoustics.
Originally posted by merlin

PS. Didn't Natalie Cole do a song in the Nineties called "Pink Mana Rack"

Not forgetting that song "Adiemus":

Mana, Mana, angle, angle
Mana, Mana, spikes do dangle
Mana tuned rings like triangle
Glassy glassy glassy platter
One or two just doesn't matter
Guaranteed your kit to flatter

Mana, Mana, Mana angle
Mana, Mana music jangle
Mana Mana beats new-fangled


Something like that anyway...

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