Had a go with supports...


Originally posted by merlin
Didn't Natalie Cole do a song in the Nineties called "Pink Mana Rack"

Natalie Cole did Pink Cadilac which was a version of the Bruce Springsteen song. (B side of Born in the USA). It was a big hit in the UK in 1987.

Aretha Franklin had a big hit with Freeway of Love in the mid 80s. It does contain the line 'in my pink cadilac'.

Back to the debate.

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Tones, What I like most about your goodself, is that you equaly dismiss ALL forms of Tweeks/Stands :) No one could ever accuse you of being anything other than Neutral :cool: Wm

That's me, O Namesake, trying valiantly to be equally unfair to everyone.

(But you have to admit, I have tried, even if only people's patience (or in Bub's case, patients))
C'mon, we are discussing supports in general, not isobearings whatever they may be.

I thought you ought to know about Mana, some of you may not have heard of it before. :D
Originally posted by lowrider
Hey, this is a serious hifi forum... :gary:

In which case Antonio, you've clearly lost your bearings:p

Get over to AA and discuss the WydeOneEye's soundstaging capabilites at length with Anal300B.

In the meantime, how does the Mana money back guarantee work?
If Hutter is pipe and slippers you're on more whacky backy than I thought - just because Mick uses it, really.

My speakers are indeed on Mana - a pair of SoundBases to level matters then Pulsar Points and Base platforms in an attepmt to undo the Mana effect.
My speakers are indeed on Mana - a pair of SoundBases to level matters then Pulsar Points and Base platforms in an attepmt to undo the Mana effect.

I recommend you see a good shrink... :JPS:


My view on stands, which is based purely on listening in other peoples systems as well as my own, is as follows.

Fraim ...the best for Naim based systems...it sounds and looks great and the quality is unbeatable. Truely truely musical.

Hutter... very neutral and really brings out the music. Good quality product.

Quadraspire Ref...totally ruins the music and looks like a cheap 1950's tea trolley. I find it impossible to understand why people buy this product.

Mana...Very good under TT's and speakers. It brought about a good improvement on both my Briks and SBLs.

The sound is a bit bright for me personally, for electronic hardware. Very well made but the appearance has a low WAF. Lacks versitility if you want to add more boxes at a later date.

Townsend sink....improved my Naim CD3.5 tremendously. Not so good under the CDS2. Very well made.


I think mine kicks arse

(library photo)


my other current favorites.. (for the life of my I dont GET why Hutter and Mana receive so many forum posts and these racks receive so few....


I use the Pagode, and have a couple of Townsend Sinks on some of the shelves.

I like it, but I can tell you, if you like the Mana sound, you would hate both of them with a vengeance!
Interesting thread.

For me, there is no universal stand solution - it depends very much on the room and other variable factors. However, to my ears, when everything is 'right' Mana is the support that colours the sound the least and best allows the equipment to realise its true potential.

One other thing, sorry Mick, but the 'bright' sound you've attributed to Mana simply isn't true when everything's working as it should.

Originally posted by wadia-miester
Chris I see you have my xmas Pressie at the bottom there sir :)

A much cheaper solution than Mana too, when we look at Mana as a multiple shelf solution.

..apart from you Tone, you'd probably need 2 of the buggers !

So, Bub, which 3 Mana'd systems didn't tickle your fancy? Surely one of them wasn't Marco's was it?
Alex, I'm far too gentlemanly to reveal what I thought were the duds. Only my opinion, anyway.

Steven Toy will tell you what was wrong with the Mana'd systems he's heard, presently.

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