Back at work today

, but it does mean I can finally reply to this thread again.
I went to London last Tuesday in the end, and essentially heard two headphones of interest, the Sony MDR CD1700s and some Beyer 931s. AskDirect had told me over the phone I wouldn't be able to demo the Sony headphones in their shop, but thought I'd try my luck in their anyway and did manage to get a quick listen. this was though on the headphone output of some Sharp (I think) micro system, and with the guy from the shop peering over my shoulder all the time, so I only listened to bits of two tracks from Massive Attack's Blue Lines CD. First up, for this short period, these headphones were VERY comfortable. Soundwise I was pretty impressed too, with them managing to do a nice job of have some reasonable bass whilst still being pretty detailed. Like I said though, not the best source and a very quick listen...
Walking down Tottenham Court Road I found a few places that stocked some of the more expensive Beyers, but nowhere prepared to let me listen to any

. So I headed off to Superfi, where I heard a pair of Beyer 931 on the headphone output of a Linn Classic. They'd also got some Grado SR80s so I had a listen to them again, to get a feel for the Linn, which had a reasonable headphone output I thought. Anyway, the 931s, good, detailed, open sound, but very little bass, so overall rather bright sounding and so not suited for the range of music I like.
I also had a listen to the Stax 2020 system that was on eBay last week, as the guy selling them actually lived just outside Southampton. I go along expecting to hear a very open, clear, detailed sound, with some reservations about it's low end, and end up listening to what was a very warm sound indeed. I wasn't impressed frankly. The source was a Cyrus DVD player (7 I think) with some DAC upgrade, which was connected to the Stax by a VDH First Ultimate IC. (Actually I got my colours mixed up and thought it was a 102III when I was listening and the seller corrected me later. I say this as I really don't like the First Ultimate, and found it seriously rolled off the top end when I demoed one before, but my listening was NOT prejudiced by this as I didn't realise at the time). Needless to say I didn't bid for them. As the sound was so totally at odds with the reviews I've seen though I was left wondering if the unit was damaged in some way, the source is very warm sounding or the cable was having a significant effect.
So, what am I doing now? Well, I've decided to try and get a demo of a new Stax unit at a shop, just as soon as there are any available to listen to. I also found out today that the price of the 2020 system is being dropped from £450 to £350 which is nice

. I've also though ordered a pair of the Sony CD1700s from AskDirect (this morning in fact), so I can hear these with some proper headphone amps, and for longer. I should be able to sell them on easily enough if I don't keep them. Gut feeling at the moment is that I'll end up with the Sonys and a Rega Ear, but we'll see...