Height of bad taste or plain bonkers?

pshaw... i only brought up the bmw art cars as an example of doing something artistic with an everyday object and said that i thought they were cool. i doubt even the art car treatment could help the new 5 series or roadster though (shudder).
it was you who took umbridge at that - god knows why, still as they say there's no smoke without fire ;)

perhaps you could educate me more by telling me what Bayerische means?


Originally posted by julian2002
perhaps you could educate me more by telling me what Bayerische means?



From Bayern, a German province.

And, by the way, my carf is not a phallic extention, but I used to actually race the bloody things...
Originally posted by julian2002

it was you who took umbridge at that - god knows why, still as they say there's no smoke without fire ;)




it was a joke, honest. Please re-read my post again. Calling you a BMW wannabee and your Lexus a marshmallow wasn't serious, nor was the sob sob bit. I really didn't take offence, I was... FK what I wanted to say.

Obviously it wasn't a good joke. I couldn't fine the appropriate smilies for sobbing etc to make it more obvious.
sorry, i know you were joking and i was responding in kind (in just as crap a manner apparently).
i don't really care what people think of my car, i bought it for good and sufficient reasons and it cost me relatively little, i've seen 2nd hand escorts that cost more. it is however very soft on the bends so calling it a marshmallow is not unfair.

at least when i want to go somewhere i don;t have to get into fetish clothing beforehand - unless it's a special occasion of course.


Originally posted by Dev
Julian, that really hurts.

We get all the abuse, no one let's us out of junctions, no one acknowledges our courteous driving, our endless patience with moronic drivers who refuse to move out of our way, etc. etc. etc., and now this.

for what it matters, i got a lift back with Dev from the Omiga Audio day out, and he was nothing but a very courteous, considerate driver. And his car is very pleasant to be a passenger in...shame theres a few BMW drivers who tarnish the image for people like Dev, but thats the world we live in.
"My helicopter is in the fridge" and "my hovercraft is full of eels" - what have you guys been smoking? :D

julian - the new 5 series, new 7 series and the z4 roadster...in fact all of Bangle's cars are masterpieces. After the unveiling of the new M5 at Geneva last weekend even the most hardened Bangle critics in the motoring press are saying things like "hmm...I think I was wrong, it's all starting to make sense now". Resistance is futile - you will be assimilated :D

much fun was had whilst touring germany using the phrase My helicopter is in the fridge,unfortunatley the german police didnt find it very amusing at 3am when they stoped us for a routine check,it didnt help matters that all our passports were back at the hotel(aka raf gutterslow) so we were unable to produce our "papers"
Originally posted by Kirk Bennett
what's German for "shite"?

DAF?? (those crappy funny small saloon cars)

SMART cars are kind of cool - I like the idea of being able to park sideways in a parking spot. Do they make a 4 seater version? If so, they should force mum+4x4 brigade to use them on the school run :)
Originally posted by domfjbrown
DAF?? (those crappy funny small saloon cars)
Were from Holland, actually. They were purchased by Volvo in the late seventies (except for the truck division I think).
Oh, and the new Bimmers look absolutely AWFUL. Big, fat arses, too much jewellery and "unnatural" crease lines :D
BUt what do I know. I'm a chocolate torte with a helicopter in the fridge.
Originally posted by domfjbrown
DAF?? (those crappy funny small saloon cars)

SMART cars are kind of cool - I like the idea of being able to park sideways in a parking spot. Do they make a 4 seater version? If so, they should force mum+4x4 brigade to use them on the school run :)

(a) Dutch actually, acronym for van Doorne Autofabriek. I believe the car part is now part of Volvo and the truck part remains independent.

(b) A four-seat Smart (the "Forfour") is coming, but it'll be much the same size as other small four-seaters.

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