talks a load of rubbish
Im on tenderhooks waiting for mine to be built Mike, I bet you are the same 
Maybe thats why we all change kit from time to time, we're just seeking that buzz..
Forgot to mention, I have no holes, BUT having the speakers miles apart means I have a listening area of about 3 feet on the sofa. If you move away from that you only really hear one speaker. This will really become a problem if I eat too much and my butt expands beyond 3 feet in width.

Maybe thats why we all change kit from time to time, we're just seeking that buzz..
Forgot to mention, I have no holes, BUT having the speakers miles apart means I have a listening area of about 3 feet on the sofa. If you move away from that you only really hear one speaker. This will really become a problem if I eat too much and my butt expands beyond 3 feet in width.