compulsive cantater
Originally posted by Tom Alves
But you're all forgetting that they are coated in the magic C-37 varnish which as we know works well on speaker cones
Gosh darn it, Tom, why didn't I think of that? But then, you are the appropriate shade of green, aren't you?
Actually, I'm thinking of taking my idea further. As alloy road wheels are used to reduce unsprung weight in cars, I'll reduce unsprung weight on the poor pot shaft by having beryllium ones made. I'll get them done by BBS, and the really high performances ones will be the ones with the Ferrari prancing horse thereon (at a price premium of course). For Michael and Bub, we'll do BMW ones, at a lower price (merely exorbitant, as opposed to outrageous). Since there's one born every minute and many seem to gravitate into hi-fi, I expect soon to announce the purchase of my full size road wheels with Ferrari attached.