Muper Soderator
as i pointed out there are stranger things that people think make their kit sound different. why for example would 2 capacitors that have exactly the same specifications have wildly different costs based purely on the supposition that one sounds better than the other. similarly why does a 15,000 ukp transport bathe the cd in blue light and claim an increase in sound quality. why does painting the edge of your cd's with green pen cause some people to hear the music better. why does sitting your kit on something wobbly make it sound different to sitting it on something that rings when you tap it. why do some claim that puting the earliest photo of you that you can find in the freezer can make your hi-fi sound better? why does one length of 9, 9's copper wire cost thousands more than another? these idiosyncrasies and many more are followed by audiophiles all over the world. they all claim to be enjoying their music more with them than without them. if paying 500 bucks for a wooden knob floats your boat then furry muff. at the end of the day if you post on this forum you're already 8/10ths of the way to accepting this kind of thing as you've probably spent over a grand on your hi-fi which is mad in the eyes of normal people when you can get a 6 speaker sony for half that which must be 3 times better than your old 2 speaker one no?
as i pointed out there are stranger things that people think make their kit sound different. why for example would 2 capacitors that have exactly the same specifications have wildly different costs based purely on the supposition that one sounds better than the other. similarly why does a 15,000 ukp transport bathe the cd in blue light and claim an increase in sound quality. why does painting the edge of your cd's with green pen cause some people to hear the music better. why does sitting your kit on something wobbly make it sound different to sitting it on something that rings when you tap it. why do some claim that puting the earliest photo of you that you can find in the freezer can make your hi-fi sound better? why does one length of 9, 9's copper wire cost thousands more than another? these idiosyncrasies and many more are followed by audiophiles all over the world. they all claim to be enjoying their music more with them than without them. if paying 500 bucks for a wooden knob floats your boat then furry muff. at the end of the day if you post on this forum you're already 8/10ths of the way to accepting this kind of thing as you've probably spent over a grand on your hi-fi which is mad in the eyes of normal people when you can get a 6 speaker sony for half that which must be 3 times better than your old 2 speaker one no?