imports from the east

Cost of living in China is about a tenth of what it is here, and most parts are made in the far east these days so they'll get them cheap as well. I bet they're making a killing on all that stuff tbh!
bottleneck said:
no idea! - I'll leave that one to someone like SCIDB.


The 805 is very similar to the 845. It is designed to deliver more power. It was designed for class B and Class C radio frequency work. The 845 can give out 30 watts in class A. I have heard a number of amps that use the transmitting valves. They need up to 1500 volts to get that sort of power.

They can have very good mid range strengths. A number do lack in the extremes ie bass and treble. They also need to be driven by a decent valve or transformer to get the best out of them. Also quality components such as transformers are very much needed.The MEIXING (MING DA) MC-805AA is driven by a tetrode. Some of these amps are driven by a 300B. The MEIXING (MING DA) MC300B-845A on that site and pictured early on in the thread, uses 300B to drive the 845.

If done right, it could be a killer of a valve amp. Amps like that, built in this country, would cost a lot of money.

Also bear in mind the amount of heat these things will dish out.

My ESL988's are 86db into 8ohms so I assume I'll need something like 40wpc?

Been looking at these but they are only 20w, the guy selling them insists I wont have a problem but I'm unconvinced.

I'm tempted by the DaMing MC368-B which kicks out 50wpc from 4 KT88's and is just £650!

or a consonance cyber sig 100 6550 p/p 50wpc £1295 or cyber sig 100s

Any recomendations Upto £1400?
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Yes, if you can use a soldering iron the WAD kit6550 would be my choice. Id also have a listen to the Prologue 2, this uses KT88's plus an excellent autobias function. I dont think you'd go wrong with the Ming Da, Ive never heard the Consonance but what Ive read hasnt been too hot.
Based on hearsay I'd go for 6550 valves rather than KT88 as the KT88 is allegedly slightly softer sounding than the 6550. But I think most designs that use either can use the other with no problem.

Can one pay extra and get the WAD amps ready made?

BTW there is a Graaf 5050 at a bit expensive at £1400 but stick a passive preamp in front of it (like a creek or Audio Synthesis) and I think you will be happy.
I've seen the graaf and assume your passive is still for sale, but that combination is £2k which I just dont want to spend right now.
rsand said:
My ESL988's are 86db into 8ohms so I assume I'll need something like 40wpc?

Been looking at these but they are only 20w, the guy selling them insists I wont have a problem but I'm unconvinced.

I'm tempted by the DaMing MC368-B which kicks out 50wpc from 4 KT88's and is just £650!

or a consonance cyber sig 100 6550 p/p 50wpc £1295 or cyber sig 100s

Any recomendations Upto £1400?

the UK distributors wont like me for it (but do I care? no.)

check the cattylink prices for consonance equipment. For example the cyber 300B's which are imported via uk distributor for 5.5k are about 1500** when you go through cattylink.

(**prices dont seem to be on there now for the consonance stuff?!?!)

on the cattylink site for about 1400 including my guesses for import duty and shipping costs.. and given your requirement for 30+ watts....and not including the consonance stuff which doesnt have prices on.....

jolida jd801 integrated
val mp-211 monoblocks, needs a pre.
ming-da 805's (845's from edenlake) - needs a pre.
ming-da mc805 integrated.
ming-da mc3008 integrated.

havent heard any of the above.
if I was getting an integrated from the above - probably be the mc3008 - 845's driven by 300b's sound like a fantastic amp.
for mono's I'd also go for mp211's.

there are some good valve pre's around for 400-500 now if you go the monoblock route... not a bad idea as you guarantee seperate power supplies for each channel.
rsand said:
I've seen the graaf and assume your passive is still for sale, but that combination is £2k which I just dont want to spend right now.
I've sold my passive now... so no I'm not self promoting here!
rsand - have you tried passive pre's?

they are a 'love it or loathe it' product IMO.

would be a shame to buy a passive blind if you havent heard one - you would either be in for a nice suprise or a nasty shock depending on taste!
Its possibly more to do with how they synergise with the partnering power amp... for example, the AS passive I used with the Graaf 5050 produced a wonderful magic sound that had exactly the right balance of warmth, sweetness and detail. Whereas using the AS passive with the PS Audio HCA-2 was very detailed but lacking warmth and humanity and ultimately uninvolving.

Is it not the case that quite a lot of the valve integrated amps out there 'simply' put a passive stage in front of the valve power amp?
yup they do!

and from the opinion of someone who has tried multiple passives with multiple valve amps (and multiple cables) - I just cant stand the damn things!!

I have a valve amp on loan at the moment which has a built in passive pre-amp. To get it sounding good I had to whack me active pre through one of the inputs!

the only caveat I have is that I havent tried a transformer based passive pre-amp.

I know some people love them, but its one product I'd never reccomend buying sight-unheard...
I am just paranoid about overdriving the esl's, I have always been impressed with valves on deming a s/h audio innovations amp, although it didn't work fully with my music at the time, my tastes have broadened
With this Ear V20 we will crush the rebels
Duuuun duuuun duuuuun dun di duuuuun dun di duuuuun...
bottleneck said:
yup they do!

the only caveat I have is that I havent tried a transformer based passive pre-amp.


I have :D In my system. One word - superb. Huge difference over my former valve pre (CJ PV-10).

IMHO if the rest of your system is up to it and you don't need the extra gain of an active (mind you for those special moments there is an extra 6db gain available) i'd certainly recommend one.

Someone who had compared an Audio Synthesis passive and transformer passive mentioned to me that one of the advantages of the transformer passive (the Music First) over resistor passives (the AS) was its more even performance as listening levels increased. In his opinion the AS got closer to the MF as volume increased. (Not particularly an issue for me though I must confess :D )

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