imports from the east

bottleneck said:
an EAR V20 would be a nice match for quad electrostatics

I love the EAR gear but don't think the 20wpc will be enough for the 86db 8ohm sensitivity of the 988's, an 834 would be nice, a guy at quad put me off a pair of classic II's saying they really didn't have enough to power the latest brace of esl's.

Gotta say that MingDa 3008AB is sounding tempting although I feel it will be easier getting the MC368B (KT88) from edenlake and replacing the valves with 6550's. The latter will also give me a degree of system tuning to match my prefs where the 3008 is what it is.

I also expect with these amps that they are very mod'able with better internal components not to mention valves, so could be a lot of fun?
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yes, sounds like a plan.

my own view of valve amplifiers is tempered by Border Patrol power supplies. Choke input, valve rectified power supplies make a collosal difference IME.

I'd look at a 211/845/805 valve amp myself if I thought the power supply sounded like a border patrol.

My ideal would be an 845 amp made BY border patrol, but knowing their prices it would probably cost 15 grand!

It is great fun to modify amplifiers - capacitors, resistors etc.

It takes some time to find out what you really like, which valves you like best, whether you prefer single ended or push pull etc.

I am 'single ended' and '300B' - but based on recent experience I suspect a very well designed 845 amp in single ended configuration (with the right power supply) would be my ideal.

Edenlake might not be a bad idea. You could ask them what they think of the 805 monoblocks they do. Perhaps they can give insight into the relative merits/differences between this and their KT88 integrated.

Both would be in your budget, and would leave room for a decent pre. I'd humbly suggest trying a decent active pre if you go the power amp/monoblock route.

By the way, Im pretty confident that 20w of valve power would do the job. Valve power is mega-power! - 100w per channel of valve power will feel like being hit by a train.
On the original subject of imports from the east, I have just seen a Jungson SACD player on ebay.... its the Inca Design Katana player that had excellent reviews last year, but this one plays SACD.... for £419 before importing. Very tempting.
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WAD's review of their £1195 26w 300b pp monos was done using the esl988's which puts them into the picture with an IMPORTED (KEEPING ON TOPIC ;) ) MingDa pre
FWIW the WAD 300bs are no harder to build than any other WAD amp, excluding perhaps the pcb Kel84, they are very straight forward and satisfying.

Go for it, music will never sound the same again

hows this for a mad speaker?

An Ls3/5a with a built in valve power amp!

:D how cool is that?!



details on cattylink site under 'news'
bottleneck said:
check some of these out..


awesome looking monoblocks, about 1,800 pounds (plus shipping etc)

I finally received a quotaion from them for the MC300B-845A Mono Blocks;

Total including purchase, local (Chinese) handling charge, courier, plus Paypal / Bank handling fees,

is US$4821.00.

about 2,500 pounds then.

That really is the top of the range from the cattylink site.

Are you going to go for them?
I love valves I really do.

I would dearly like to go for them, but on top of the purchase price portion of the US$4821.00, I would have to pay 15% Tax Import duty in to Australia.

I am also looking a pair of re furbished VTL 300's, for US$1600.00 less money

As far as looks go there is no contest, the MC300B-845A every time, however one day I will have a full size listening room again, where I can set up my Apogee's, I cannot see the MC300B-845A driving Apogee's, the VTL's will.

careful, the wad 300b's will only push out about 16 watts.

figures aren't always what they seem.

Only one amp to go for, for the quads, imo, the quad valve amps, ii-40s', didn't lee have these, or Dave Whit on hifichoice forum?

pricy but nice, Andy grove design who does(did?) wad.

the icon type should be good, esp with kt88's or 6550 like I am using them.

or pehaps one of those geman el34 ones for £300 on ebay

alt., there is wads 6550, 40 watts.
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I tried the Quad II-40s with the 988 speakers when I originally bought them, found them a bit too soft sounding at the time, and that deterred me from trying valve amps further which I now regret.
Yes, 6550 and KT88 are essentially the same tube, 6550 is the american version, 88s are UK (afaik atleast). The KT is more robust though and I *think* generally regarded as the better sounding tube (I prefer it). KT is 'kinkless Tetrode' if you were wondering.
hi alan

its also on Cattylink.

no price though.

Some of the other Consonance amps in the range have prices on - if I was a gambler I'd pidgeonhole it about £400-£500 direct from the east.

You could always email them.
Walrus sell them for arround £1400 new its one of the ones I was tempted with but the MingDa seem better regarded

This thread has really piqued my interest. I've been looking through the Cattylink site and marveling at the potential. As I've got rather efficient 'speakers I've been thinking about valve amplifiers as an option for my system.

Now, whilst all this stuff looks good prima facie, has anyone here actually importen any of these amps from China? If so, just how good are they in reality? Further, so far as the OEM type stuff is concerned; for example, are there any differences between what's availiable from Cattylink as Sheng Ya as opposed to what's available from a dealer badged as Vincent?

Just that some of this stuff looks too good to be true. If it is all good and legit, then it looks too good not to do...

So, what's the verdict?



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