Is this kind of thing sustainable???

welcome back, but keep your sars / bird flu infected carcass away from me untill you've sweated it out of your system :D ;).
did they have the military / helicopters out for eade? the army was out in force when we went over and the muslim holiday was on mind you that was just after 9/11 so....
seriously though let me know when you have a spare saturday and i'll get the snacks in.

Ok I have a friend who lives in Washington who say he will order some and send it to me. At these exchange rates not much of a gamble. And I love trying these things out!

Paper 8" x 11" Unbacked $19.95/sheet
1" Tape by the foot (10 ft minimum) $4.26/foot

I have a cdp (on its own stand) then
from top to bottom on a rack next to the stand
AV amp
dvd player
Stereo amp (Arcam A75) so microprocessor bits in it
Cassete player (rarely use)

Also have a BR supermains block and all the cables needed to connect this stuff together.

WM (or any one else with experiance) what do you think the minimum I should order should be and where should I place it to get the most out of it? Obviously don't want to spend a fortune, just want to try it out.. I'll post my results here once it arrives.
I honestly think you'd be wasting your time trying it. Yes it does work around clocks in CD players etc., but the effect is subtle.

Spend the money on some CDs instead.
Ah come on let me have some fun. I've got 500+ cd's and there is almost nothing new that intrests me at the moment.

I like playing with these tweeks. And some guys in this forum said its made really good improvements, got to be worth $20.
SQ, do you have a dvd player?, or an anthing with an E-frame transformer, I have a few sheets around some where, I can let you have some I'm sure.
It works best around transformers, ontop of clocks and dsp chips big caps etc, so kit it makes a serious difference, others as robbo says subtle, but it is accumulative, and we use it in other applicationms other than audio. Wm
So it seems that it may work or not, a little different from "Throw a sheet or two of ERS paper into your component, and feel like you just saved yourself a thousand, or two, or three thousand dollars in a major component upgrade! Man, this stuff is dangerous!"
Which was my point, it's the hyperbole and excessive claims I find utterly vexing.
Robbo, its perfectly OK not to hear a difference, I fail to see how you could assess that putting some round the clock led to a subtle difference.

Just what the hell does that mean?

I think its fair to say that some of our more esteemed hobbists have got infections in the brain, presuambly sniffing a green pen will sort it out.

I am sorry Gary, you need to make yourself a bit clearer.

Perhaps I need to define a subtle change. Think of moving from a CDS2 to a CDS3. you can make out that there are some improvements, but its hardly worth bothering with.
In a similar ilk I kust read rhis on HFC forum "Hi-Fi Choice has just the review/group test for you. 4 stereo and 4 AV amps at <£800. Interestingly they rave about a £300 Sony multichannel amp and basically say that the multichannel amps have come a long way and easily beat the Roksan Kandy and Creek stereo amps"

Why do jurnos do this???
Originally posted by sideshowbob
Welcome back Merlin, so what you buying next?

-- Ian

thanks to all for the greetings, seems I've missed quite a lot, what with DIY amps and big muffin eating competitions round at Omiga!

What am I buying next? Well loads of music actually! Ordering some of that black stuff and waiting for a phono stage (which of course will get the ERS treatment;)

did they have the military / helicopters out for eade? the army was out in force when we went over and the muslim holiday was on

No sign of that Julian, although I was in the deep south, where there have been a rash of religious killings recently (basically Muslim youths killing Buddhist monks with knives and machetes!). It's great to find somewhere devoid of farang though! No Flu yet, but we are going back there in just three weeks so I might buy a mask!

It is interesting though that I really enjoyed listening to some Eagles and the two Bobs on a bar system with an old Wharfdale Linton just playing one channel of a few bootleg CD's. Really musical!
Originally posted by sideshowbob
Those Buddhist monks are hard as nails, you need to be well tooled up to take them on.

-- Ian

Sadly Ian, not when they are 12 years old:( There really are some f**ked up people out there:mad:
Just got in from pub som missed a bit going on here. Can't resist the ale!:beer:
SQ, do you have a dvd player?, or an anthing with an E-frame transformer, I have a few sheets around some where, I can let you have some I'm sure.

Thanks WM would love to take you up on the offer. Yes I have a DVD player. Lives below my av amp and above my stereo amp. Sounds like a definite candidate for the ERS reatment. Shall I PM you with details. Happy to paypostage etc
Thanks again
Originally posted by voodoo
Go on Dom, get an iPod ;) .


No - you're alright thanks. I like being able to play the charity shop CD bargains I get when I'm out and about, and I've not got time to rip music to AAC or whatever the fudge an iPod uses - I'd rather be listening to CDs than clogging my time up trying to rip them on my archaic Athlon 750!

Besides, I'm not that keen on the iPod styling and the fact it uses an HDD.
Running Andy's (Sgt Rock) iPOD through the Densen / Kabers on Saturday, apart from the lack of level, it was surprisingly listenable. The Equivalent CD through the Teac / Wadia was better obviously, more colour and life, but the iPOD had all the ingredients and would be perfectly good in it's intended use, and a passable fill in at home unless for those critical listening sessions.


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