From what I've read and been told the DAC64s design is a bit special....something to do with the way the digital filter works. Its called WTA (Watts Transient Alignment), after its designer, Rob Watts. Think the DAC-64s receiver chip is unique as well, but less confident about that.... Having spoken to Isaac about it in the past (he's met mr watts and chatted about this in quite some detail I venture), this filter arrangement is something quite different and clever - certainly not something you could replicate yourself since the DAC chip is not an off the shelf design and very little out there works in quite the same way. Yes, the DAC64 has a SMPS, and an op-amp output stage, so nothing special there, but I suspect Rob Watts would be fuming about the 'not much of note' comment :D. If you don't like the sound of it, fine :) but it does have some quite noteworthy and different design features.