Julian's Speaker Build Diary....

Yes, they are shiny. Are they made in Wales, Dont know.

They do have carbon fibre in them though which is why they sound so good.
Good grief, On their own of course!

I have no idea of the cost, Les gave them to me to try. I need to write a proper review sometime.
no pics tonight - i've been lining the transmission line and it's tough going. i'm about 1/2 way done with the bottom and part of the 'back' lined already and various bits cut to complete about 3/4 of the way round waiting to be stuck on - that lot took me at least an hour and to be honest i'm a bit fcuked of with it at the moment. also i can't see how i'm going to get 2 speakers out of the amount of paf (the foam lining) i got with the kit. i've e-mailed ivan at ipl so should find out pretty soon if i'm short on paf or am just a buffoon.
hopefully have some pics of a fully lined speaker tomorrow. once that's done i'll start on speaker number 2!

sent the crossover kit off to tony this morning so he should hopefully have it in a day or two. so i'm looking forward to getting a pair of big speakers working sometime late next week. unpainted of course.

i'll put the drivers in get them all tested and make sure everything works (if it doesn't i'll be taking things apart and putting them back together possibly scrathing up any finish. once i'm happy with things then i'll take the drivers out again and paint them (or get them painted professionally).

I hope your only lining one side of the line, execpt the bass cavity

Ie not the side you have left off (execpt the bass cavity which is)

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Those T nut's press well into place as I remember, if you get into trouble with those rubber screws I have some HT 12.9 Allen bolts left over for both bass and mid units the fit of the bass is critical and kneads to be up tight just PM.

the instructions are:

cut the profiled foam to the correct size and hot melt glue into position on one side wall and one side of the line (Photo I). there is also a small piece required for the other side of the top chamber (Photo M) (and behind the midrange S5 only).

this is what i've done (or am in the process of doing).

just done a few back of a fag packet calculations and i reckon i need about 1.23m squared to line 1 speaker. each lump of foam is 48x25 inches so 1.21 x 0.63 = 0.77m squared. i got 2 of these so i'm going to need another sheet. as i say these are rough calculations but seem about right.

edited to add: smudge - thanks for the offer. i'll give it a go with the supplied fixings but will pm if i hit trouble. the one's i'm a bit concerned aboout are the tweeters - they are held in by wood screws - would prefer to bolt them in in a similar way to the other drivers using t-nuts (if there's room) but may use normal nuts / bolts if possible.



I got two and a half sheets with my SL4 kit - I thought I was missing something when running out at two sheets, (the half sheet swas used to line the bottom of the box that the kit came in) as you have duped your boxes I guess that u only got two sheets which is stretching it for the slightly by about 3 cm in two directions smaller SL4.

My advice is to use up the PAF on one side and then get on and build the second one giving time for Ivan to send you the half sheet that you will need to put behind the bass driver.

In terms of the finish - my recomendation is dont rush it - I know the temptation of firing them up early, but be patient as even if you fire them up early you will just not get around to finishing the job!

Good luck.

Hope that helps.
thanks gideon,
i've been in touch with ivan and he's said he'll send me another sheet if i need it. which i think i will.
hopefully i'll finish lining the first speaker tonight and then be able to start on building the 2nd one tomorrow.


Well i've finished lining the TL's with the PAF. god what a horrible job. still, i'm hoping that now i've done it once the next time round will be easier. first bit of blood drawn, only a scratch but only tears left and HOBBY will be fully appeased.
ok the pictures...
first a couple i took before i realised i needed to add some PAF behind the midrange.




then i realised i was missing the bit behind the midrange cutout so added it...


Also i needed to mark up the places where the driver bolts need to go so i took the oportunity to see what the thing looked like with all the drivers in pace....


just noticed there is a slight gap in the PAF in the TL exit. i've got some offcuts so i'll sort that out tomorrow.

is everyone still interested in this? or are you all bored to tears yet - if so could i have some to appease the gods. i'm not sure whether to post the construction of the 2nd speaker as it's going to be a carbon copy of what i've just done - unless things go wrong that is. i think i'll just post up the major stages as and when they are done (and any balls ups of course).

No keep it going Julian, very interesting, I can feel evry leak of blood sweat and tears, and we are as excited as you are no doubt when the time comes for their birth into this world. :)
Lookin' good, Julian. Keep up the postings.
Why the lack of foam at the [inside] start of the transmission line or you just not finished yet ?
thanks guys,

voodoo, it's fully lined now, i think it's jsut the way the tl works and is how the instructions say it should be. also there will eventually be a vertical brace behind the bass driver this will also support a load of long hair wool which will also help absorb the drivers back wave.


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