krell amps what price?

BerylliumDust said:

For instance, when you have a more powerful amplifier you necessarilly need higher gain. Any amplifying device (be it bipolar, mosfet or tube) introduces distortion. Distortion rises for each single gain stage that is added in the circuit... you simply cannot help it.

This statement no doubt explains how an SET amp of 9 W or less can have some of the most appalling measured distortion figures of any current amp,and also the most beautiful sound.
alexs2 said:
Why not get the thread back to what the original intent was,rather than trolling as usual.

Pam 7 @ £600/650.......

KSA 100 mint boxed manual + known past history £1000+
as is norm with older stuff you can pick up a well used unboxed thing
for around £600 if you look hard.

me I,d pass on the Pam 7 and look out a mint ARC sp9mk2 for £700ish
Ya-Boo said:
A got the Evo 4 to see what you keep banging on about nothing more
and yes joking aside It is in some areas better performing than the Krell
but even the little krell has a REAL soundstage the B/C can only dream about

Are you mad Yaboo?
Dont try to follow Tones recipe the Bel Canto will be gone soon and will become an also ran unless he finds some more fairy dust to sprinkle over it :D
Then again maybe Tone is the 2nd coming... still i remember the 1st spouting bollocks on regular occasions.
Maybe there will be a book written about Tone that can be found in every hotel room across the world.
He was found on the outskirts of holy Cheltenham impaled to an 18 tier Mana rack.
Its said that if you take some of the earth from where he lies and sprinkle it on your hifi you will hear his organic thwack resonate around the room.
:D :D :D

I speechless with honour sir, however I would at least liked a more fitting end, than impaled on any old pile of angle iron :( :D
I have plenty of other amps I could use, big Ar's/Pass labs/JR, none have what I'm looking for so why not up the ante' ?.
Kev sound stage has never been an issue for me at all It's far more solid and detailed and real than the Krell, though if you want this, chock the 4 in for a pair of Evo 2's, this will give you serious openess, they key maybe the number of transformers involved ;) .
Or in all seriousness, try a quality pre-amp between the AA and the B/c I found even the modded AA's responded more favourable with a pre-amp. I notice JC's selling his Spectral DC30, excellent piece of kit :)
Worth a spot of experimentation. Wm
Curt said:
Are you mad Yaboo?
Dont try to follow Tones recipe the Bel Canto

I,m not following WM mate, god forbid, I could never own a pair of the Dalek's
he raves about
an Evo 4 just came along,so thought I,d give a go

WM's in denial....he just cannot let go of his old krell's

WM you say you have some big AR amp,if its the older 100.2 do one day sit down and have an unbiased listen between the KSA100 and AR
they have a hell of a lot in common
anyway I thought your KSA100 had some sort of terminal failure some months
batemansxxxb said:
thanks guys for your advice,opinions etc,looks like i've sparked off quite some debate :D

Just buy it batemansxxxb,hell if its in good nick,you can sell it easy
you won't find a better new amp for less than £2+K
Ya-Boo said:
I,m not following WM mate, god forbid, I could never own a pair of the Dalek's
he raves about
an Evo 4 just came along,so thought I,d give a go

WM's in denial....he just cannot let go of his old krell's

WM you say you have some big AR amp,if its the older 100.2 do one day sit down and have an unbiased listen between the KSA100 and AR
they have a hell of a lot in common
anyway I thought your KSA100 had some sort of terminal failure some months


Denial humm... if it pleases you to think so, we'll run with it :D
I'm curious Darleks? enlightenment time please :confused:
The Krell is fixed and is working as good as it gets, small cap problem not
uncommon I believe.
AR is the 200 power amp, its pretty fair, but just can't do the transparancy, dynamics & control, a decent amp for sure, just not for me. The later mono's are better for sure & produce some lovely sounds, but for me lack a little soul.
Question, have you run your Krell with the GR60's at all Kev?, if so how did you find it?
Wm, who denial is painful obvious for all to see :eek:
Tone my KSA now resides with another {happy} forum member here.

I only used it with your old M/A GR20's sounded great with them

Interested in your cap fix on the 100 arw the replacements the same as originals ?
only asking because I was offered a very early non functioning KSA 80 a short while back but was informed by the 2nd hand Krell specialist Brighton way that the {standard cap's} huge blue ones are no longer made :confused:
glad you like the AR mono's,did you use them with the sintillas ?
The old Gr's had a few mods in them it did help greatly with the top end illuminations
Last year I aquired some very interesting power caps from the states, rather damn good too I subsituted the OE units for these, I believe you are correct in the orginals are no longer sourced.
I manged to stuff a few inside ( 250K worth) the B/c that give it a kick in the pants :D
The sintilla's were not mine, I'd love some, however space being the limiting factor, and they do like room to breathe.
The AR's nice equipment and with the right speakers do really sing.
If I told you what the buyer of your old GR20's used you would cry your eye's out.
Re the caps,please remember I,m not a techie, are you saying than any of the old KSA krell's can be reserrected with the substitute cap's you have used?
Its RJD isn't it?
The caps are all ex stock no longer made, though I have a few boxes, however they are far superior to anything I've tried so far.
I'm sure LRC caps? wales, will make up specials for a limited run and not large amounts either, worth a try I reckon.
I,ll keep your cap replacements in mind, interesting to know
I,m always on the lookout for a nice original KSA 250/300, but these amps are all 15+ yrs old now and spending serious dosh on one with the cap's issue in the back of ones mind is a little off putting

BTW have you still got those spectral Amp's ?
I think I may now of a pair of 300's they may be available soon (good ones) Kev.
I do use the DC30 now and again, but I'll be honest in my system I'm pushed to tell a difference with it in, its damn fine piece of kit, though I've got the wad to state where maybe Merlins fabled Kondo will surfice??
If I ran other sources them quite possibly, but I'm working on a wad 150 a/d at the moment so we'll see how it pans out.
Ya-Boo said:
If I told you what the buyer of your old GR20's used you would cry your eye's out.

Can't be any worse than when I sold and delivered a lovely pair of KEF Ref 2-2's to a bloke up in Sheffield and looked on in horror when I was what amp he was to drive them with.... a Yamaha DSP-A1 :cry:

Ya-Boo said:
He had a Yamaha RVX 430 something av amp

Jesus - why do they do that? It's a bit like putting a pair of top Nike Air running shoes on Professor Stephen Hawking - nice trainers and he's a clever bloke but he ain't gonna get the best out of them!

I'd rather have a pair of decent speakers being driven by a cheap Yammy amp than a cheap pair of speakers being driven by the dogs bollox high end amp. Seems to me they've got their priorities right ;)

Just as long as the amp in question can drive the speakers properly in the first case......that was my point.

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