British Gas doing the right thing
Am I the only one who spots a slight anomaly between "doing the right thing" and "stiffing our customers"
just noticed my spelling mistake: 'beautifully crafted woden music' anyone have any of this early music - blue period?? But do I confuse Wode, the Nordic God and woad, the plant dye much favoured by Brits of old?
thanks Chris! must order some for my own LACK table. hopefully it will help cut down the transmission of floor vibration to the CD player and stop it skipping if I step too hard.
Well spikes never stopped CD skipping with the Optimum or Quadraspire. What stops the CD skipping is the 30mm paving slab
Thanks for the example ... it fits my (and more notably my Wife's) requirements ... especially since the Lack tables are available in Oak Veneer. Had a Corrus solution until now but it isn't flexible enough. Just one thing - the Wife won't take the paving slab ... would a piece of marble worktop do the job or would you recommed something else ... it has to be cosmetically satisfying as well as practical.
I achieved fantastic isolation by placing 50mm thick granite onto a piece of 25mm expanded polystyrene sheet. Keep the poly 25mm under the granite size, and paint the edges with emulsion. Looks good and works very well
falcon acoustics have died a death. where can i get nice spikes like these (the black atacama spikes are not too attractive)? or
The lack legs are hollow How am i supposed to mount the spikes Or should I buy a box of Swan Vestas?:JPS:
Mine aren't. The cheapskates must have changed the design I notice that the beech LACK tables are now beech effect vinyl or somesuch whereas the ones I used were beech wood veneer. I've stopped shopping at IKEA now because their standards have fallen so low they are now no better than Argos/Homebase/MFI/etc... Shame
what type of plaster? i've a good mind to go and torch trhe nottingham ikea. i know for a fact that their stock is highly flammable:JOEL:
Definitely a great thing this unit. I have one and it is perfect for records!! And it doesnt look bad at all!! :beer: jack