Lacking Bounce

Originally posted by Markus Sauer

you could also try Terrazzo.


Im not useing the flexy for TT support, only other equipment
my TT is currently sited on a wall shelf (dedicated TT shelf) i think its of Italian origin but the name escapes me

what is terrazzo, i thought it might be a supplier but google was fruitless
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Originally posted by Markus Sauer
Not necessarily. Ivor could have been referring to other pneumatic isolation devices such as the Vibraplane.

Indeed he could have Markus. I do feel however that the thinking behind the Vibraplane is somewhat more in keeping with the likes of Voodoo and Townsend than some products out there.

Well, we've finally got the FE singing:D And yes it is bloody impressive in a lot of ways. It trades some of the natural organicness of the SS for tighter bass, with more impact and far greater definition and detail retrieval.

With the Sink under the P30, we get something that gives a good balance of both the supports qualities, without any of their individual shortcomings spoiling things. Would still like to get that missing something, maybe try one of WM's cables;)

Do give the Lack a go though, it really does give life to some equipment, let us know how you get on.
Originally posted by merlin
Indeed he could have Markus. I do feel however that the thinking behind the Vibraplane is somewhat more in keeping with the likes of Voodoo and Townsend than some products out there.
Well, he was asked about the vibraplane!!!

For some reason you are extrapolating his answer to include the Seismic sink, which is not particularly wonderful in terms of sound quality, but good for footfall problems with the LP12.

What turntable are you using, Merlin?
Well, Merlin, if you look at the Vibraplane site , you will find there are two versions, one that works like the SS and one that 'bleeds' air continuously (thus needing a constant supply of air from an external pump). If you look at the performance figures, you'll find the latter version superior.

It is also my experience that even if two products follow more or less the same principle, they can still sound very much unalike. The Vibraplane seems to be built much more substantially, with thick metal plates, than the SS (which I've never heard, so I couldn't comment on its performance); I would expect the two products to sound different.

Note: I don't know which will sound better, I just would hesitate to deduce anything about the sound of one from the sound of the other.
Originally posted by Markus Sauer
It is also my experience that even if two products follow more or less the same principle, they can still sound very much unalike. The Vibraplane seems to be built much more substantially, with thick metal plates, than the SS (which I've never heard, so I couldn't comment on its performance); I would expect the two products to sound different.

Of Course Markus, now you are guilty of assuming that the reference relates to Vibraplane:D

although experimentally we got good results with pneumatic approaches in the past.

So let's just settle on pneumatic shall we. I can confidently say that both the Voodoo and the Seismic Sink offer very similar benefits to each other, mainly in the areas of frequency extension and naturalness. Do I take it Markus that you are an advocate of iron and glass:confused: If so then I'd say neither would appeal. Horses for courses, one man's meat etc....;)

Well, judging from the silence I guess you don't have an LP12 Merlin.

So, to recap:

First, you've extrapolated Ivor's Tiefenbrun's opinion about the vibraplane support for the LP12 to include the seismic sink, and you've then extrapolated again by not using an LP12 upon the said seismic sink.

Is that right?

James, Guess what I actually heard a TT, I could almost Live with :)
A Well tempered Class, with a Keuotso Red Cart, tricked up delphini, not bad at all.
And with Valves too, one of the most groovy musical sounds I've heard, quiet damn good in fact. I would seek one out for a long Listen James, not bad at all. WM
Hi Tony,

Ta for the recommendation. Opinion is divided about the Well-Tempered TTs. Jason Hector & His glovepuppet rave about them, everyone else I know doesn't.

About ten years ago, a well-known turntable reviewer was lent a turntable like mine on the basis that if he found anything else that he would rather use, he'd return it. He still has it now.

I'm very happy with it indeed, for now. ;)
>>>> James, Guess what I actually heard a TT, I could almost Live with
A Well tempered Class, with a Keuotso Red Cart, tricked up delphini, not bad at all.

Now listen to a reference and you will be even more impressed.


Originally posted by merlin
Do I take it Markus that you are an advocate of iron and glass:confused: If so then I'd say neither would appeal. Horses for courses, one man's meat etc....;)


I'm not an advocate of anything. I've used Mana successfully in the past. These days, my tt sits on a trick wooden bench that's fastened to the wall. Both approaches are valid. I'm sure pneumatic suspension can be made to work, too. All I'm trying to say is that each product must be evaluated on its own merit. A design principle taken on its own means nothing , execution is everything.
One advantage of the Well Tempered range is you don't need a pile of angle iron in order to try and increase dynamic range and detail and decrease wow & flutter, colouration and mid-bass hump.


BTW - Just so as I'm not confused, 'Devil' is James McP isn't it, rather than Marco? Its so hard to tell them apart these days.
I can't say that I understand what it was that I have done to displease you, Alex. I thought that we were friends.

But I read a description of myself as a 'loony', written by you on another forum, along with a few other disparaging remarks, and now the ultimate insult [as far as I'm concerned] being compared to Marco. Nice one.

Perhaps you could drop me an e-mail to explain? That would be very kind of you.

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James, I see, glove puppet was retaliation not pre-emptive strike, fair enough. Sorry, but I've found your on-line persona lacking in your usual charm and wit recently and got a bit fed up with things like having old threads dragged up seemingly only to cause friction. Let's wipe the slate clean.


PS I've a new computer - my old email address book has vanished.
Alex, what you got, I hope you havn't moved to the dark side?
Agreed Alex, I've sent you an e-mail.

Good news that the well-tempered tt is perfect, for you at least.

Yes the "Mana makes me cry" thread was resurrected out of badness. Naughty sorry.
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Gary, I got me a souped-up eMac - one of the few good reasons to be a teacher is I get my Mac educational discount.
