>>> The Aro tonearm was designed for the Troika (I think!), so what would you suggest instead? Sounds OK-ish to me at the moment.
The Troika was a good cart. whether your rebuild captures the original essence is debatable I have heard good and bad rebuilds. In your system, a Lyra or Dynavector would make a good match and you can probably get some dems. Also the new Linn is supposed to be a belter according to Paul Messanger who also rates every other component you use. This will mean spending money though and I know that you like rebuilds so don't usually splash out on expensive cartridges, I think it is worth it.
>>> Preamp better than a 52? Suggestions again please, as I wouldn't mind changing if something was startlingly better, same goes for the cart, btw.
Hovland is very good, the Tom Evans has its supporters, Dynavector L300 is awesome in prototype form, Klyne make excellent pre's as do Spectral. If you can spare the bucks the Spectral is a real option for you. I think it is balanced as well so you can have a better interface to the ATC's. Then there are all of those other valve preamps out there ...
>>> How much does it weigh?? My speakers weigh about 65kilos and they are on Mana stands.
Good point, the stands probably would be ok. Seems to work best on big lumps of granite or marble according to other users.
>>> The problem with all this on-line oneupmanship is that you don't know what my gear and room sound like.
I am sure it sounds superb and I am absolutely sure you enjoy listeneing to it, but there isn't a hope in hell that you will ever admit that my system or any other system that doesn't adhere to your rules will work and be enjoyable. I have had this rammed down my throat through exposure to loads of really good equipment that I would not have bothered with before, all I could think about was how to get the best "hit" from the Naim upgrade path.
>>> "Musicality" may have a dictionary definition, but that doesn't guarantee that it means anything at all.
I was only messing with you. The word is just another attempt to quantify the unquantifiable: Enjoyment from listeneing to music.
>>> Vinyl is so obviously better than CD that anyone who thinks otherwise is either deaf or hasn't heard a decent turntable.
Exactly, where is the argument with that?