Lacking Bounce

Any road up, what are we going to do about Marco? We don't want him in our patch any more than you do in yours.

We don't really want any of that here. Your conduct was at least as bad. Ungracious guest springs to mind...

[insult on Marco removed]

James - that was uncalled for, let's not carry over spats from other fora here.... (that goes for everyone btw) :)

If it adds anything to the debate, I listen to naim and precious little else (I have little need or desire too) and I look forward to my next naim upgrade 'Hit'.
Originally posted by garyi
If it adds anything to the debate, I listen to naim and precious little else (I have little need or desire too)

You might want to try listening to some music in the near future Gary, it can be quite refreshing;)
Garyi, respect for your excellent post in the "we don't like..." thread in the padded. Nice one, spot on. You are so clearly one of the good guys, it's a miracle you've no Mana (yet, don't worry: we will get you).

Respect also to Matthew Robinson, even tho' he can't stand me. We got rid (OK, he can still post, but he's effectively neutered), now is your chance. He wrecks that place.

Think rather camp, pink, sweaty, white sock-wearing, misogynist jelly-baby-made-flesh, and you are there.
So James to quote a well worn phrase ' The Munchin mafia threatening to stick you one' cuz you didn't like his interior decor :D I have to say I'd have though you two were arguing over a woman, not a bleeding hifi room :rolleyes:
Anyway, that don't happen here were all civilised :)
God I never mean to encourage him.

I do recall Marco being an excellent host - something I've become accustomed to myself. To insult him for his taste in decor, posters and worse still insult his appearance after the fact is very low and reveals Bub for the slimy two-faced little tosser that no doubt he really is.

Not like me to get upset is it?
C'mon Tone. I've been to your place a few times now and I'd never dream of behaving on-line afterwards the way Bub has. (I have no reason to anyway)

If he started insulting your home and appearance I don't think you'd be full of sweetness and light now would you? ;)

It started over a new PSU but from then on as Bub was losing the agument, his gloves came off and he descended away from the original issue onto invective, and he made full use of the simple fact that he had been received at Marco's home as a guest for dinner as ammo in his battle to be right.
Hold the bus....please!

Would it not be a good idea to halt this exchange now?

I take it we all have long enough memories to remember what happened last time things all started getting a bit personal and we had a toy-and-pram situation (no pun intended).

Group hug time!
I'm not hugging any of you lot.

White socks, eh? If that's true, he's clearly a bounder, but I agree with Graham - no need to bang on about it.

-- Ian
Agreed. No more about Marco.

EDIT (by michaelab): Edited by me to remove Marco's surname. In general, I think we ought, for privacy reasons, not post people's surnames without their consent, especially if, as in Marco's case, they are quite rare. Michael.
bub, I've been trying the centre-lift method a lot recently. Soon I'll get round to trying it with my Mana - don't forget I've still got 4 S/Frames. And thanks, I used to like jelly baby pizzas.
