KUB3 said:
Largest subwoofer driver I've ever seen

Goodies, the 1960's EV 30W (the 30 refering to the diameter imperial style) and the current Fostex FW-800 (metric) at least as big, if not bigger (scale's kinda hard to judge well without context.
BTW, here the hint to all those who pooo-pooo large drive units, it seems you like slow bass, as FAST bass REQUIRES large cone areas (if it is not immedialy obvious why, study a little physics, dare I say mass, spring, motor strength and surface?).
Some of the fastest bass I ever came across came from hornloaded Precision Devices 24" drivers, it probably was the loudest too, per driver.
And no, lack of low bass and heavily distorted upper bass is not "fast" bass, it is merely "no bass but loads of distortion", if you like it, enjoy.
Ciao T
PS, given the mention of the BT7, if you use them with a suitable upper bass system and can run them so the mechanical noises from the drive system are drowned out they are great, we used them in the latter of my PA Days, with Community RS-880 tops and community 4 X 10" fillin's (to get some speed), plenty of low SPL for a small package