Had a little chuckle at this month's (well, November's, but I got it over 3 weeks ago :rolleyes: ) edition of Gramophone. In the "Audio Doctor" section, they've gone more upmarket than usual (it's normally something like "wow - this Arcam 82 makes things so lifelike", but it is edited by Andrew Everard). The start system is a Roksan Xerxes, Naim NAC52/52PS/NAP250, Quad ESL 63s with M&K MX-70B active sub, and the upgrade target is the Meridian 508 CDP. So what do they go for? - a CDX2 :eek: . Comments are "faster...vibrant and dynamic", and "slightly more couth". However the punter wanted something "even further than what the CDX2 can offer". So what do they dig out of the darkest reaches of their gander-bag?......a M/F NuVista 3D :D. Ahh "the resultant sound is...glorious". Punter quoth..."It's clearly superior, isn't it", with the system performing to a "staggering level of musicality" (Punter is going to check out the CDX2+XPS2 before buying the 3D though) Talk about Chalk and Cheese! (They also jizz themselves over the MF kWP/KWs pre/power).