My humble apologies...

BerylliumDust said:
Ummmm... já ouvi algo parecido em relação ao DAC64.
Pois mas o DAC64 mede muito melhor do meu NOS DAC e se fosse posivel fazer um null teste aos DACs teria um null teste muito melhor do NOS DAC. O que me convenceu mudar foi ouvir o NOS DAC. Tb não estava a procura de nada novo, estava satisfeito. Só comprei o novo DAC por curiosidade.

Se o meu pré ou power tem um péssimo null teste, isto não altera o som dos mesmos, com qual estou muito satisfeito :)

michaelab said:
Pois mas o DAC64 mede muito melhor do meu NOS DAC e se fosse posivel fazer um null teste aos DACs teria um null teste muito melhor do NOS DAC.

Pena não ser possível fazer um null test aos DACs... tirávamos logo as dúvidas.

michaelab said:
O que me convenceu mudar foi ouvir o NOS DAC. Tb não estava a procura de nada novo, estava satisfeito. Só comprei o novo DAC por curiosidade.

A curiosidade é o primeiro passo para a descoberta...

michaelab said:
Se o meu pré ou power tem um péssimo null teste, isto não altera o som dos mesmos, com qual estou muito satisfeito :)


Claro que não! Mas pode aguçar a tua curiosidade...
BerylliumDust said:
Se o meu pré ou power tem um péssimo null teste, isto não altera o som dos mesmos, com qual estou muito satisfeito


Claro que não! Mas pode aguçar a tua curiosidade...

Still trying to play mind games, I see.
michaelab said:
Pois mas o DAC64 mede muito melhor do meu NOS DAC e se fosse posivel fazer um null teste aos DACs teria um null teste muito melhor do NOS DAC. O que me convenceu mudar foi ouvir o NOS DAC. Tb não estava a procura de nada novo, estava satisfeito. Só comprei o novo DAC por curiosidade.

Se o meu pré ou power tem um péssimo null teste, isto não altera o som dos mesmos, com qual estou muito satisfeito :)

Okay, I'm interested in this... it seems to be a discussion about null tests on DACs - go on, give us a hint...

You don't want to know Chris - it's really not that interesting. But if you insist:

- BD thinks that when I take my gear (pre and power) up to his place to null test it and see how dreadful the null test is (that's what he reckons) I'll start looking for new gear.
- I said I'm quite happy with my kit and really couldn't give a monkeys about the null test result as it won't change the way my kit sounds but it will be interesting nevertheless.
- He said I was happy with my DAC64....and then changed it.
- I agreed, but pointed out the reason I changed it was because I (almost by accident) found something that I thought sounded considerably better, not because of any measurements. I pointed out that my NOS DAC measures terribly, much worse than the DAC64 and if it were possible to null test DACs the DAC64 would do a lot better than my current DAC so by his reasoning I would have stuck with the DAC64...

You see, not really that gripping :) . BD is rather like a certain Mana-advocate-who-shall-not-be-named who reckons that I'd only need to hear a bit of Mana in my system in order to see (hear?) the light and realise where I've been going wrong all these years. By the same token BD reckons the null test is the true path to hifi enlightenment and all who have strayed from it will suffer for ever in the eternal flames of dissatisfaction induced upgrade hell and that it's his mission to save all poor damned souls from such a fate by showing them the one true path :)

michaelab said:
You don't want to know Chris - it's really not that interesting. But if you insist:
Thanks for the summary.

We all look forward to the next end-of-the-week round-up :)

Mind you, null-testing DACs would be fascinating (though not particularly useful) - artificially introducing jitter at the same time as the comparison DAC...
ChrisPa said:
Mind you, null-testing DACs would be fascinating (though not particularly useful) - artificially introducing jitter at the same time as the comparison DAC...
I believe it's technically possible with the right (expensive) kit:

Analog source -> A/D convertor -> DAC under test -> Analog output, which you then compare to the analog source with an appropriate delay added. Of course you're also testing the A/D convertor and the delay line but if you used the same setup to test two different DACs their relative performance would be meaningful, or, as you said, you could be testing a DAC and then artificially add jitter into the input and see how the performance changes (in real time).

michaelab said:
if you used the same setup to test two different DACs their relative performance would be meaningful, or, as you said, you could be testing a DAC and then artificially add jitter into the input and see how the performance changes (in real time)
I was thinking more interms of a Carver type configuration - adding jitter to one DAC to make it sound like another... (which would be a really useful thing to do ;) )

Don't take Michael's words for granteed... is portuguese is good but not that good!


Imagine, just imagine, that my RA01 has a much better null test result than your pre/power combo has and that your NOS DAC (fed by the Eclipse) sounds... well, not very good with it... what would be your opinion then?
BerylliumDust said:
Imagine, just imagine, that my RA01 has a much better null test result than your pre/power combo has and that your NOS DAC (fed by the Eclipse) sounds... well, not very good with it... what would be your opinion then?

Imagine, just imagine that your RA01 has a much better null test result than Michael's pre/power combo has and that his NOS DAC (fed by the Eclipse) sounds... well, very good with it... what would be your opinion then?

Why not do this some time. I'd love to see Lisbon some time, why not then, I'm sure I could convince SideShowBob to come too.
LiloLee said:

Why not do this some time. I'd love to see Lisbon some time, why not then, I'm sure I could convince SideShowBob to come too.

Lisbon...excellent city and full of great restaurants...count me in! :D

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