exactly - you gotta have tunes when driving....!![]()
unusually I disagree with you

I'm driving or listening to music
not both
exactly - you gotta have tunes when driving....!![]()
What a gimp.
I have been warned about 'advanced drivers' and now it all become abundantly clear.
AT, you seem a prime candidate for advanced driving lessons, you can all create your own forum on the best way to shuffle the steering wheel whilst wearing a cap.
Fucking hell you are all poofs I swear to god.
If you are so scared to turn a volume knob get a steering wheel control and stop being such girls.
I am at a loss I truly am. Still all the silence in the world ain't gonna stop AT plowing into you because he was straining at the time to hear if there was a small engine noise in the engine bay.
Loud stereo's in pimped up Corsa's (particularly) are a mating call for chavs.
For Gods sake zerogainers, lets show some decorum. Maybe I'm knocking on but Pink Floyd at sensible levels was most condusive to late night driving. The love between a man and his 944 is a very beautiful thing..
I saw a funny one the other day, a bloke at the lights in a Honda Civic proudly playing Jennifer Rush's Power of Love at meteoric levels, oblivious to people pissing themselves laughing on the pavement. These drivers should not be on our streets.
I don't have music on loud, in fact I often have talk radio on as music is something I like to enjoy at home on a proper system
and without distractions![]()
....... but I don't think you need to subject yourself to silence in order to drive well.
If I am having fun in the NSX, granted, I leave the tunes off - but that is only 'cos I like hearing the engine.
I am sure if something happened like a spring snapping, you wouldn't need to rely on hearing to realise something was wrong!![]()
...but if I do a running observation commentary in my head I can't do it with music on..
...Edit; a purely personal thing here but I wonder if any thing causes a potential distraction is a good thing?
Eh? A 'running observation commentary'; that sounds like something you might do if you were completely insane. Do you do this outside the car as well, there are potential hazards everywhere you know, and it might be as well to do your commentary out loud so that you can warn everyone of all the dangers.
I just don't find music distracting when I'm driving, casual listening requires no specific concentration for me.
Do you ban passengers from talking when you're driving?
Eh? A 'running observation commentary'; that sounds like something you might do if you were completely insane. Do you do this outside the car as well, there are potential hazards everywhere you know, and it might be as well to do your commentary out loud so that you can warn everyone of all the dangers.