My new Fiesta one month on - report

Joking apart its a very effcteive observation mothod....

e.g. moderate left bend on the right....are there kids around......start dropping speed to 30 for the 30 zone etc etc

How many of us drive home half thinking "well that was s**t day at work today, such and such really ****** me off"

ie it keep your mind focussed.

thats my opinion anyway! :).

Well you're in pretty good company, standard practice among IAM and Traffic Police (Class 1) drivers, I also seem to recall HGV/LGV needing the same commentary, any less would mean a fail on the test!
I was listening to something about Battersea Power Station on the way home whilst going past a school, and what do you know, I didn't kill a single kid.
The other day some kids were playing chicken run in front of outside a school. If I was distracted by something I may not have noticed but I could see what was going on before it happened so by the time the twit did jump out in front of me I was already stopped. I wasn't even shaken up by it because I was expecting it. If I was on my mopbile or something it might have taken another 2 seconds, by which time even if I did brake in time I would have been very shaken.
I don't listen to my stereo in the car any more. I find it drowns out the person at the other end of the phone.
Don't get me started on that. The other day I was turning right and this car came flying out on his mobile, so he was turning a corner at 30mph+ without looking on his mobile, luckily I saw him but that could have easily been a crash.
what do you know, I didn't kill a single kid.

Well, you didn't notice killing any at least! Screams drowned out by your music ;)

AT, get a grip mate. I'm quite new to driving too and understand about building up experience and confidence. My mates took the piss a bit about me taking my time building up to things at first.
But come on! If you're so easily distracted then should you really be on the road at all?
If I was on my mopbile or something it might have taken another 2 seconds, by which time even if I did brake in time I would have been very shaken.

But you're not on about phone's (which I agree with completely - though not to the extent I'd lock it in the boot! ;) ), you're on about not having music playing.
But hey, whatever works for you I guess.

Glad to hear it's still going.
Out of curiosity, why not?

Just personal preference really, I like the radio on in the background, not listening to it really just for a bit of a noise/company, I find I'm more relaxed when it's on.

I've done most of the IAM so know the deal with it and totally understand the (albeit silent in my head) commentary, I agree on principle sure but it's just not for me the majority of the time.
But if you did not have the radio one you would have heared that woman about to go into the back of you so you would have steering into number 27's drive to avoid it. Ok I am being silly now.

I think there is a difference between cruising on the motorway and listening to the radio and driving in a very busy city centre while try to follow a complex conversation on Radio 4.

Incidently has anybody seen this new head units with a DVD screen built in? Surely that cannot be legal.
Everything seems distracting at first, when driving becomes second nature you'll find some days you might like a soundtrack. Even though l've been driving a long time now I still like to hear what the engine is doing, the feedback on my car is more enjoyable than the music sometimes! If its motorway cruising the radio does go on as it makes the miles go by a lot quicker. Particularly at night/early hours.
But if you did not have the radio one you would have heared that woman about to go into the back of you so you would have steering into number 27's drive to avoid it. Ok I am being silly now.

I think there is a difference between cruising on the motorway and listening to the radio and driving in a very busy city centre while try to follow a complex conversation on Radio 4.

Incidently has anybody seen this new head units with a DVD screen built in? Surely that cannot be legal.

this whole f*cking thread's just silly - has to be a p*sstake, yeah..?
AT - if you are a new driver, I understand. I can recall needing to listen carefully to gauge the revs etc when finding the biting point, amongst other tasks that you eventually don't even conciously think about.
Also for anyone, when in unfamiliar grounds such as searching for somewhere, in a busy city centre etc - then again, I think many of us switch off the radio in those circumstances (which does support that it is of some distraction when you are having to concentrate more)

DavidF - Commentary, if it helps you, great and I understand then why you couldn't have radio on. I also appreciate that it isn't the easiest thing to do and certainly does help build better awareness so good for you.

If you are not a new driver, not lost/in city centre, not working on hazard anticipation skills - then I still don't think the radio (played at sensible, not over loud levels) is a distraction of significance. It is certainly nothing like being on a mobile while driving.

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