AS your a sad egotistical deluded indivdual with materialistic fixations and suffering from ferrite addiction, have you considered having your penis mounted on 37 levels? might even do what Hineken couldn't refresh eh?, or will you chopper turn albino due to the bleaching effect that mana has?.Trying to explain anything to you unless its involves mana is a waste of time, so I won't need to continue on this score
Why would I want mechanicaly contrived reproduction (naim) when I can have the real thing
Lets get basic James, your system is little more than average, that goes fairly loud and fills the room a bit. maybe you need more time with your analylist, he may yet yeild the answers you seek in your pitiful exsistance. Good luck on your quest, for I fear it may take some time.
It took 3 months for the s/waters to really shine, at that was constant use.
The B/H's have had the radio running through them only, not serious Graham N levels.
Soon I feel we're getting close now, I've just got to finish off the 27, and we'll be in business, maybe 3 weeks might even throw a First day use BBQ as well.