Yet more diappointment, the bouncers must be merely average, and you only a red? I was hoping for at least a brown :cry: plus only TKD?, most true M/A's usually have more than one disipline, no Moi Thai? or Kung Fu?, this is most distrubing, Paul, prehaps when you down here next on business, make it a weekend, and you can come and train with our group.
They are very welcoming to all visitors especially from other disiciplines
I personally find the smaller, faster more adgile guys the hardest to beat, your best mate would be an interesting challenge, size is no garantee of victory especially against a quick well grounded opponent who's knowledgable
, they usually hit you 3 or 4 times before you can be in a postion for counter strike., mind you a ridge hand is nasty if they're in mid attack
We have 2 girls in our group, and they are superb, not 5th's but 2nd's and man they are joy to watch (in more ways than one

Doctors boring?, remember I used to do Exoctia cars, a large porprtion of clients were in the medical futurnity, not just Doc's, not all of them bored the bollox off a charging rhino's at 60 paces