Nice hifi, shame about the room

Originally posted by Tom Alves
My Active SBLs



It's a good job they are properly tethered. There have been reports of Active SBL wandering all over the house and lying in wait to ambush unsuspecting owners who dare to read reviews of competing speaker brands. It can all get very messy.

Glad to see you have yours under control. ;)
The thought had struck me aswell....most of these rooms would be sealed and condemmed if my mum were to see them!
Michael....Nice rack....where you get that from?
Can someone put me out of my misery and post a pic of their listening room that doesn't make me retch?

I'll do my bestââ'¬Â¦


The room is kind of open plan, so I was actually standing in the kitchen when I took that. The pics make the room look a good deal smaller than it feels ââ'¬â€œ the wall the speakers are on is about 14'.


The sight of vinyl never makes me retch - there are records in every room bar the bathroom!


A really minimal system compared to most here.


not quite finished yet,need a wall shelve ( unistrut and a welder :D ) for the turntable (the thing on the floor still wraped in cling film and brown tape) , the olny other thing in the room is a 2 seater settee and the music collection.
Originally posted by michaelab
What's that package wrapped in parcel tape on the bottom right? Looks like a lifetime's supply to me :D



Originally posted by themadhippy
the turntable (the thing on the floor still wraped in cling film and brown tape)
Now I know why we are single in the main and spend inordinate amounts of time on the internet...................

Let's have an Audiophile's changing rooms!!!

I'll take Tony's
Heres Mine. The decoration is pretty uninspiring ATM. Its on the list of things to be re-decorated after the bathroom and master bedroom/ensuite. Oh and the kitchen needs doing as well. No more hifi spending for me for a while:(

Robbo thats a nice looking space, my kind of space. That or tony's will do me fine.

I'll certainly take tonys record collection, it makes mine like puny.

Yeah, the room is pretty good. It's 5 x 4 m (lounge dining room) and we have arranged it so the system has quite a lot of room to work in.

We quite like minimalist, uncluttered rooms with plenty of light. At some point will sort out the flooring in the room and get better lighting. What you dont see is the cheesy 1980s style artex ceiling which has to go.
I'll certainly take tonys record collection, it makes mine like puny.

There's moreââ'¬Â¦.


Top of rack is classical box sets, next four full rows are rock, pop etc apart from last two cubes on 4th row which are 7ââ'¬Â / 10ââ'¬Â and the last one which is 'exotica / lounge / crazy'. Bottom shelf has jazz in the first 3 cubes, then one for weird shaped stuff like PIL's metal box etc, and the last one is classical.


Some of the 12ââ'¬Â singles and general 'overstock' ââ'¬â€œ I've also a tub of good stuff waiting to hit eBay and a tub comprised largely of crap, i.e. 'the out tray'.

I need to evaluate what I'm doing with the 45s as my bloody Linn won't play the things without that crappy little adapter thing that pulls the suspension out :rolleyes:

I've got some CDs knocking about tooââ'¬Â¦


Yet more storage from that Swedish purveyor of long checkout queues and missing parts.

I've just realised that I still have a picture of Mick P posing in front of his now famously out of phase Isobariksââ'¬Â¦.


ââ'¬Â¦please don't comment on the wallpaper ââ'¬â€œ he gets upset... werry, werry upset...

am i right in thinking you source vinyl for people?

Yes. I do so much record shopping that I tend to be able to unearth stuff other folks want at the same time, drop me a mail if you have a wants list.


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