Nice hifi, shame about the room

I gather that the EA-2 is a downgraded Stealth amp with some cheaper internal components and casework. It got a reasonably good review in one of the mags recently, but it struggled with one pair of speakers which they tried. If I was 'in the market' for some decent power amps, I would also try the DV, Bryston etc.

The problem ECS have is that they are selling a very expensive amplifier and yet have no pedigree or history in hi-fi, which raises the spectre of reliability issues, and also the worry of whether they will still be in business in, say, five years' time when the thing blows up.
I do understand how people get excited when they start comparing other amps to a pair of 135s. Its interesting where they go next - Bub went hyperactive, Marco's going Stealth-Lite, Mick's getting a 500, obviously without listening to anything else, and Dev bought a new 250 which proves he's deaf.
Originally posted by Alex S
I do understand how people get excited when they start comparing other amps to a pair of 135s. Its interesting where they go next -
It's obvious really. two pairs of 135s & an active crossover :D
Yes the XPS2 provides a huge upgrade over the old XPS, a clear 15%. The Burndy cable stetches this advantage to around 75% on my scale.

Do I get a prize for not bothering with 135's and ducking out at the 250 stage?


Have you actually bought the ECS amps yet? They are pretty good amps, I think Roy thought they were like BIG 135's, but there are a load of other options out there but since you are keeping the 52 and CDS then BIG 135's may be just the ticket. Its just that if I was spending that much I'd be looking at a pre power as a combo rather than limiting myself to what will work well with a 52.


Originally posted by ReJoyce


Have you actually bought the ECS amps yet?

As good as bought, Jason. The 135s are going up for sale shortly, so a done deal is imminent.

They are pretty good amps, I think Roy thought they were like BIG 135's, but there are a load of other options out there but since you are keeping the 52 and CDS then BIG 135's may be just the ticket.

'Big 135s' is a good, although a tad superficial, description of the EA-2. It has similar qualities to 135s in that pace, rhythm and timing are its forte, but you get bags more detail and refinement thrown in as well, not to mention serious dollops of clout... it goes much, much louder than 135s, but never loses its grip on the music. Jason, in my room and with my system, the EA-2 digs so much deeper into a musical performance than 135s, and delivers the information with such authority (or delicacy when required) that one just sits there mesmerised, grinning from ear to ear; not to mention how much better it makes the Spendors sing! Considering that I paid just under £4k for my 135s new, and the EA-2 is a touch over the same price and totally outperforms them in every fundamental area, I think that represents a bargain.

The CDS2/XPS2 and 52 are staying put because I've yet to hear anything that plays music better (the way I like it), without spending 'silly money'. Therefore the EA-2 was, quite simply, the icing on an already tasty cake.

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