Nice hifi, shame about the room

Thus far I have not used the PC for music. I do intend to use it to watch DVDs when I get time and I would like to try a DVD-A in it some time.
Originally posted by Tom.
My faith has been restored, although there are a few shockingly bad carpets around here.... :)
Oh I can outgross any previous offering. My only excuse is that you-know-who only agreed to a seperate listening room on condition that the rest of the house got decorated first.
I can assure you that after listening to TD's 'Journey Through a Burning Brain' in the dark, having seen off that second bottle, that carpet provides a pretty emetic return to the light.


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A mates parents had a carpet very simaler to Emeritus,rember sitting watching the patterns moving after digesting a small piece of paper
Bub, do you have a step ladder out of shot that you use for changing records on your turntable? :D Sorry, couldn't resist...

Here's an old (scanned) picture of the system I had back in '94.
(in my previous appartment)


It's hard to see but the system consisted of:

Van Medevoort MA220 (Dutch) integrated amp
Denon DCD1290 CD-player.
AudioStatic (Dutch) electrostatic panels.

Bub I have said it before and I will say it again, them speakers are really really ugly, worse than Briks if thats possible.
Re: Re: Listening Rooms

Nice room... :cool:

Instead of starting by placing the speakers, I design the whole room furnishing around good sound and confort, then do small adjustements by listening...

Thanks lowrider;)

If placing the furnishing first works for you, that's cool with me.

My room is the most difficult room I've ever worked with, I've really struggled to get a good sound, purely due to the volume of air space. It's a beautiful room but a bugger to make good tunes in, the Bariks have now solved that problem with their upward facing drivers so I'm pretty happy now, but it was a headache to start with.

Best regards

Bub I have said it before and I will say it again, them speakers are really really ugly, worse than Briks if thats possible.
But they work really well. Form following function etc.

(apart from the crappy Mosfet power amps)

And I just don't see how someone can consider SBLs OK yet Briks ugly, doesn't compute at all. When SBLs were new I considered a pair and pretty much dismissed them on account of their shape.

"they look like half a writing bureaux"was the comment from my missus,when I asked her if she liked the look of these SBL's;)

Originally posted by garyi
Bub I have said it before and I will say it again, them speakers are really really ugly, worse than Briks if thats possible.

It's funny, I thought so too when I was first shown a picture of them. They don't photograph well, and they do look a bit on the threatening side, tbh. But play a record and they are soon forgiven. My female companion absolutely loves them, but then she also likes the appearance of Mana and me, so probably an eyesight difficulty there.
Welcome back bub and happy new year.

I understand your caution about changing amps in the ATCs.

I'd presume that ATC would audition a large number of permutations before settling on the way and means of making them active for best results.

There is no way I would let my bodgy-trial-by-error methods of finding better amplification for them come into force!

I quite like the look of them too, especially in rosewood. I like the mid-band cone, it looks really cool IMO.

You should pop up a picture of your lounge Bub. some people may not have seen it.

Hi there, HNY to you too.

I'd presume that ATC would audition a large number of permutations before settling on the way and means of making them active for best results.

Yes, each amplifier in the tri-amp pack is specifically designed to drive its matching drive unit, if you see what I mean. I think that one would have to spend a five figure sum to even come close to, let alone improve on, the sound quality of the active amp packs, and when you get to this kind of level it might well turn out to be a matter of opinion whether such outboard amps were indeed 'better' or in fact just 'different'.

I know two people who have heard large ATCs driven actively with non-ATC amps, and they thought that the results were fairly indifferent in comparison with the on-board amplifiers. I think that this 'upgrade route' is a dead-end.

I like the room - I too gaze into a woodburner........

I was wondering about the speaker positioning. I've never been a fan of placing speakers up against a rear wall as I've always found it acts as a big bouncing board which plays havoc with the way the speaker works.

Have you tried giving them more space?
maddog 2


I like the room - I too gaze into a woodburner........"

A man after me own heart. Nice one, better than a TV eh!

"I was wondering about the speaker positioning. I've never been a fan of placing speakers up against a rear wall as I've always found it acts as a big bouncing board which plays havoc with the way the speaker works. "

The Isobariks love to be backed on to a wall, about 4 - 8 inch gap is were they like to be, anymore and the bass just disappears.

What part of Lancaster are you in?

Kindest regards

Re: maddog 2

Originally posted by Barnie

What part of Lancaster are you in?

I'm just south of Lancaster actually in a village called Cockerham. I work at the Uni.

Are you based near Lancaster then?
Originally posted by themadhippy
A mates parents had a carpet very simaler to Emeritus,rember sitting watching the patterns moving after digesting a small piece of paper

You need paper for yours?? My parents' old house in Plymouth had a brown/orange (1970s!) carpet that made my eyesight go weird just due to my nystagmus - I could see all kinds of trippy patterns in that even when I was little and didn't know what hallucinogens were...

My guess is if you gave me one of those bits of paper, because my brain's so used to dealing with odd visual input due to my knackered eyes, the effect would be largely nulled out. At least, that's largely what happened at Glastonbury...

Back on topic - my mate's old ATC SCM-50A actives had oodles of power and it was fairly clean too; I bet you if you stacked that up against a NAP500 the Naim would wither and die in comparison. Note I've never heard a NAP500 with decent speakers - there was no bass on the one attached to those blooming awful SL2s....

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