OB1 vs. SCM35

3.8KHz is spot on where the ear is most sensitive, look at the equal loudness curves. True, voice presence is at about 1KHz but the ear is pretty insensitive around there non the less. To have the crossover around the frequency the sound is, or around where the ear is most sensitive, you pick. I suspect its a personal thing about what you listen for.

I can not exactly hear where an xover is, but when you play around with it, you can tell a difference. It just gets a bit less focused around that area. Like the difference you got when switching to active!
Yes but rememeber it isnt just about the physical mechanism of the ear its about the neural processing due to speech requirements - our greatest discrimination is lower in frequency. I agree - it depends what your priorities are.
It's all academic poop.

It's how damn good tunes sound to you, which is all that matters! :MILD:
Dave Gilmour's on Jools Holland tonight

Gotta be worth cracking one open for that at least?
I assume he means he thinks this is a thread for pmc owners to indulge in a ****athon on atc - which it isnt.
That's because his nearest dealer is three weeks away by mule and they only stock roberts radio's :)
Not much going on so here's some more light entertainment re. couriers.

I still haven't got my speakers back. UPS have decided that it's not really a good idea to keep the two separate boxes housing the speakers together. They actually tried to deliver one of the speakers back to the sender yesterday but luckily they refused the deliver. So that box has crossed the Irish Sea 5 times now (including the trip to Germany).

The other speaker box is actually in Nth Ireland and will be delivered to me today.

Needless to say, I will be opening boxes in the presence of the driver and any sign of foul play (i.e. extra damage) I will be demanding he gives me the phone no. of the depot manager. I am not going to deal with their Call Centre any more as they really don't know what's going on.
Both speakers have arrived now.

They have both sustained further damage with all the moving around. The cabinet that looked like being the easiest to repair is practically a write-off now and that one has inductors ripped off the crossover PCB too now.

The insurance value of £1400 isn't actually enough to cover the damage now.

Apparently, the UPS claims dept. tried to ring me on Tues when I was out. Their call centre states that they left a message which is not true - I really think they are embarrased to talk to me.

After all the crap I have put up with, I am tempted to just claim for the full replacement value of £2700 and threaten to take them to court if they do not agree. UPS should be ashamed at the utter incompetence they have shown dealing with me.
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