OB1 vs. SCM35

andyoz said:
Do you plan to sell yours.....don't let my experience put you off.

I'll sell only if I find the speakers I am looking for at the moment.
And TBH, since I am using TacT room correction and can shape the sound pretty much any way I want (especially the bass) , I do not see much sense in swapping ATC for PMC or vice-versa, since it is similar philisophy after all. Hence I find this ATC vs. PCM discussion a bit absurd. I want to try a completely different design. .... Your story does not put me off, but makes me think twice :))
Andy, are you 100% sure this damaged ATC speaker is yours? It's hard to believe it can be damaged this way if sent in an original box with these big white poly. damping blocks !
The seller thinks it has fallen from a great height and landed on the top of the box! When I bought the speakers originally, the dealer decided to write "FRAGILE" in massive letters on the boxes. Bad move that as they were doomed from that point on.

The poor Spainish guy is devastated as it's the first thing he ever bought of eBay.
Um well they do sound very different. Philosophy is just pro orientated but thats about all they have in common.
Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh !!!!

Both brands definately can't withstand the best abuse a courier can throw at them though....they are similar in that respect.
Oh come on you were looking for a reaction. ;)

I think you had a spot of bad luck andy.
andy, did you sell your ATC amps?
not that i am interested in after all the horror - just wondering if there will be more episodes of this saga
Sorry to hear you news again. I'll try and cheer you up...

I sold my Bryston 7B SST mono's a while ago and today my PMC IB2 passive speakers left the building. Sitting in their place is a spanking new pair of fully active PMC AML1. Holy-fricking-cow these are a step up in clarity!! I've never experienced anything quite so spooky. So open and reveling. The bass is super rock solid and fully extended. I am in heaven. MAD!!!
Are they Tenson's old AML1's? And NO you haven't cheered me up. I will be listening to the kitchen system over this long weekend as my OB1's are still with the assessors! If they hadn't have sent them to Germany by mistake I would have them back by now. They are sitting in the depot about an hour from me.

Re. the amps. I did sell the SPA2-150 to a nice chap in England who saw that I had mentioned them in the SCM35 eBay advert. It arrived fine but UPS did temporarily loose track of it and it did arrive at his house after having a nice little trip to continental Europe (Holland I think it was).

I am not kidding, when I rang UPS to say it was not on their internet tracking system, they made me give them a visual description of the item and they put a "tracer" on it - it was like an episode of NYPD Blue there for a while.
thats the effect of triamping and active for you! PMC really benefit.

Didnt you know - devil is working for a well known delivery company these days ;) I still have a single 4bst left from all my kit if you want to biamp your ob1s!
Bi-amp them(!), I will be happy just to look and listen to the frigging things for while after this.
No they're not Tenson's. These are brand new fresh out the box. I am staggered by these babies.

I prefered passive PMC to active ATC when I made that choice ages ago. Now it seems fully active PMC is on a whole other higher level. Shocking!!!
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You are really not cheering me up now.

The laugh is, the little JBL monitors I bought (see page 2 of this thread or thereabouts) were delivered by Royal Mail in some of the WORST packaging I had ever seen. It was a thin cardboard box with a couple of pieces of newspaper in it - about 60 seconds effort on the sellers part. And they were fine!
I have heard tensons active aml1s and they are in a whole different league to the passive ib2 - the active mb2-xbd is in another league again though! You should come to the next bakeoff
So the little 2-way actives thrash the large 3-way passives?

After hearing what my cheapish 2-way active JBL's can do, I have no doubts about what you are saying.

Very interesting.
The 3 ways put out more volume, if you could ever use the extra, in a very large lounge. I only used their full volume potential on one occasion at last new years eve party. The windows were flexing and every note could be heard a street away. Until 3am, luckily for the neighbours. :D On a day to day basis the volume potential is totally pointless. It's like nipping down the shops in a dragster.

On sheer clarity the smaller active's absolutely destroy the passive, large or small. Bearing in mind my passives had the best midrange available, apparently anyway. Fully active is not a subtle step up at all. I've not heard anything like it, money regardless. Despite the AML's house friendly size they still kick up an infernal volume and have extension to match my previous coffins. Bliss.