OB1 vs. SCM35

I'm all into lifestyle products...first a Squeezebox and now PMC's...I never really was cut out for this Audiophile game anyway.
12 foot tall studio monitors are 'lifestyle' products now are they? I'd like to see the scale of the house in question if these can go unmissed. Perhaps in Abramobitch's pad.
Forgot to say, I was actually sniffing around the PMC "Wafer" sub/sat system at one stage....just don't tell anybody.
brizonbiovizier said:
He asked me about active pmcs so I told him :P

He asked about OB1's ( Clue is in the thread's title ;-) ). My comments referred to those. I don't really have a postable opinion of the larger PMC's and am avoiding turning this into a slagging match. Please try to do the same.
Me neither - I am just pointing out the absurdity of your statement.

Plus andy asked me to comment about my experiences. I havent slagged anything.
My statement was factually correct although I accept that emotionally attached narcissists may struggle to appreciate that. Many thanks for highlighting that for me.
Check what he wrote SM... experience of active pmcs was requested. You stated they are lifestyle products. 12 foot tall ugly studio monitors. Just admit your rhetoric went a step too far rather than engaging in a slagging match.
andyoz said:

A question for the more seasoned listeners out there....

If I were to change from SCM35's to OB1's, what differences would I hear? They both come from companies that appear to have some similarities but I think their products probably sound COMPLETELY different.

Any comments appreciated.

The reply?

If it were me, I'd save for some S/H SCM 50 ASL's. The PMC is not even a sidestep IMO, a lifestyle product with a quasi transmission lne.

Now do you see? Or are you intent on confrontation?
Could have sworn a few pages ago I said I actually bought the OB1's. I thought this thread would have died after that...

Guys, it's Friday night, grab a beer and go listen to some music.
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You failed to quote the part where I was asked about active PMCs - and even the ob1 is hardly a "lifestyle product".
C'mon guys, maybe this is the quote you should be looking at...
andyoz said:
p.s. please don't let this spiral into another ATC/PMC bashing session (it's been done already) - I am not trying to bait anyone at all, just looking for good, honest opinions.
andyoz said:

A question for the more seasoned listeners out there....

If I were to change from SCM35's to OB1's, what differences would I hear? They both come from companies that appear to have some similarities but I think their products probably sound COMPLETELY different.

Amp is ATC SPA2-150 and room is approx 14ft x 20ft.

And before you ask, due to location there is no way I can ever demo them side by side (that would involve a plane trip!).

Any comments appreciated.

p.s. please don't let this spiral into another ATC/PMC bashing session (it's been done already) - I am not trying to bait anyone at all, just looking for good, honest opinions.

That's the post. The whole post and nothing but the post. Where the f**k does it ask for your views on the active PMC's? Your inability to accept that you are wrong makes you one of the most odious forms of contributor currently polluting the world of hifi chatrooms. For the record. You are wrong. Completely and unequivocably wrong, and have been shown to be so. Get over it.
Andy make subsequent posts and also PMs to me privately to which you were not party. I suggest you examine more than the first post. As usual your so called "facts" and "proof" are nothing of the sort.

Please note - I didnt bash anything in this thread as I made no criticism of ATC. I just corrected a frankly over the top comment that you made about PMC making lifestyle products like the ob1 (only the wafer really fits that description from their entire product range) - but your ego cant accept disgreement. The only one bashing is you bashing PMC so reread that last line of Andys a bit more carefully.
I'm going shopping. I'm in the market for some czech beer. Should I get Budvar or should I get the cheaper alternative "Czech Lager" from the Co-op?

I'm not convinced Budvar's what it was since they switched to green bottles (has anyone noticed that beer in green bottles doesn't taste as god as beer in brown bottles) - what do you think?

We are all insane